20 alleged deaths from medication error at Pantelimon Hospital’s ICU in Bucharest; manager confirms 19, investigation underway—prosecutors open criminal case
The Bucharest Tribunal Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal investigation following an email complaint about suspicious patient deaths at the ICU of St. Pantelimon Hospital in the capital city, as reported by judicial sources. The complaint included information about the alleged reduction in the dosage of norepinephrine for some patients, which could have caused 20 deaths in recent days, according to the same sources. The medical staff member who filed the complaint was also interviewed by the prosecutors.
After receiving a complaint from the director of nursing at St. Pantelimon Emergency Hospital about interference in her duties, the Ministry of Health sent an inspection team to the hospital. Meanwhile, on April 11, 2024, the hospital manager, Bogdan Socea, was notified by the nursing director of reports from an unnamed assistant nurse that 20 patients had died between April 4 and April 7 at the ICU due to incorrect medication administration. In response, hospital management formed an investigative committee of doctors from various specialties to review the allegations. The Ministry’s inspection team will also examine these serious safety concerns.
Manager Bogdan Socea confirmed that 19 deaths occurred at the ICU during this period and stated that no doctor had reported anything suspicious. However, the hospital has launched an internal investigation and notified the Ministry of Health and the Medical College. According to Socea, the patients had complex, multiple issues, and each case would be scrutinized with relevant documents. He also mentioned that a nurse reported that the dosage of a critical medication had been reduced, though the reasons are unclear.
Socea clarified that the nurse had contacted the director of nursing, who was on leave at the time, and it is uncertain whether the nurse was on duty. The drug in question is essential for maintaining blood pressure in critically ill patients. „We are notifying the prosecutor’s office, have alerted the College, and the Ministry of Health is sending an inspection team tomorrow. A medical committee has been established. We need to verify these claims, which are hard to believe. There are unexplainable events,” stated Socea.
The Ministry’s press release also mentioned that medical professional support was requested from the Bucharest College of Physicians, and findings might be forwarded to other competent authorities if necessary.
The matter was also covered by the publication Cetățeanul.
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