967 new cases of COVID and 2 deaths in the last day
967 new cases of COVID and 2 deaths were reported in the last day, including one in the 30-39 age group, according to a bulletin published Monday by the Ministry of Health.
A total of 1,831 patients with COVID are hospitalized: 1,704 in wards (207 minors) and 127 in ICU (2 children).
To date, 66,921 people diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died.
In the interval 18.09.2022 (10:00) – 19.09.2022 (10:00) 2 deaths (males) were reported by INSP, with no deaths reported before the reference interval. Of the 2 deaths, 1 was recorded in the age category 30-39 years and 1 in the age category over 80 years old. Both deceased patients had comorbidities and neither was vaccinated.
In the last 24 hours, 1,389 RT-PCR tests were performed (969 based on the case definition and protocol and 420 on request) and 7,558 rapid antigen tests.
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