
A missile component found by students near Gura Portiței on the Romanian…

A missile component found by students near Gura Portiței on the Romanian Black Sea coast. The object poses no danger, says the Emergency Situations Inspectorate

A group of students announced on Monday that they found a military shell casing on the Romanian Black Sea coast between Gura Portitei and Periboina, official sources told G4Media.

A team from the Constanta Coast Guard went to the scene to secure the area until specialists intervene to neutralise or remove the tube.

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The Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and the Ministry of National Defence were alerted following the discovery of the military technical object.

The object poses no danger, as it is the component that propels the missile, ISU Dobrogea announced, as quoted by News.ro. At the scene, the crew consisting of three non-commissioned officers and an officer identified the object as a missile booster. It was picked up and stored and will be handed over to the specialised structures of the Ministry of National Defence later today.


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