ANALYSIS A year of war in Ukraine: More than 6,000 Ukrainian citizens have taken up employment in Romania
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, more than 6,000 Ukrainian citizens have been employed in Romania, according to data provided by the Labour Inspectorate at the request of Economedia.
At the national level, there are 7,477 employment contracts of Ukrainian citizens, of which 6,130 contracts have a start date after the outbreak of the conflict, according to data provided by the Labour Inspectorate.
Most of these employees work in manufacturing (1,862), followed by construction (882) and wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (605). A significant number of Ukrainians are also employed in the HoReCa sector, in IT and in administrative and support service activities.
The Labour Inspectorate notes that some categories of workers are not subject to declaration in the register, but are registered with the National Tax Administration Agency, such as civil servants, military, judicial personnel, etc.
From the beginning of the war to date, more than 3.6 million Ukrainians have transited Romania and about 90,000 have chosen to stay in Romania.
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