INTERVIEW Corina Rebegea, CEPA’s Director for Democratic Resilience: What a Biden/Trump victory could mean for NATO / The US decision to remove troops from Germany affects overall solidarity within the alliance

INTERVIEW Corina Rebegea, CEPA’s Director for Democratic Resilience: What a Biden/Trump victory could mean for NATO / The US decision to remove troops from Germany affects overall solidarity within the alliance

Janusz Bugajski, senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis: With the ongoing revolution in Belarus, Putin fears loss of influence, or even worse, that the Russian people follows suit

Janusz Bugajski, senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis: With the ongoing revolution in Belarus, Putin fears loss of influence, or even worse, that the Russian people follows suit

INTERVIU Ben Hodges, fost comandant al armatei SUA în Europa: România este centrul de gravitație al NATO în regiunea Mării Negre / Numărul forțelor de rotație va crește în următorii ani

INTERVIU Ben Hodges, fost comandant al armatei SUA în Europa: România este centrul de gravitație al NATO în regiunea Mării Negre / Numărul forțelor de rotație va crește în următorii ani

INTERVIEW Ben Hodges, former commanding general of the US Army Europe: Romania is the NATO center of gravity in the Black Sea region / Unit rotations to Romania will keep increasing in the coming years

INTERVIEW Ben Hodges, former commanding general of the US Army Europe: Romania is the NATO center of gravity in the Black Sea region / Unit rotations to Romania will keep increasing in the coming years

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How does Europe stimulate consumption as household expenditure dropped sharply due to COVID-19

It will take years for the European economy to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, and it will depend, among other things, on the return of...  

How COVID-19 is affecting the globe: Country profiles / The USA and Brazil represent together more than 40% of the cases around the world / Critical situation in Spain

How COVID-19 is affecting the globe: Country profiles / The USA and Brazil represent together more than 40% of the cases around the world / Critical situation in Spain

The number of Covid-19 cases has surpassed 20 million worldwide according to AFP based on countries’ official numbers and their…

Ce ar trebui să învețe România din exemplul Franței: cum pot fi organizate alegerile locale în contextul pandemiei COVID-19

Ce ar trebui să învețe România din exemplul Franței: cum pot fi organizate alegerile locale în contextul pandemiei COVID-19

În timp ce guvernul nu a luat încă o decizie oficială privind amânarea sau menținerea alegerilor locale în 27 septembrie, Franța a început să își...  

Vot urna alegeri 3 InquamPhotos Octav Ganea

What should Romania learn from the French case: How the local elections could be organized?

While the government has yet to take a formal decision on whether to postpone or hold them on September 27, France has begun analyzing its...  

Ce știm despre COVID-19, rezumat de Universitatea din San Francisco: Peste 30 de simptome identificate / Rata mortalității virusului pare a fi de aproximativ 10 ori mai mare decât cea a gripei

Ce știm despre COVID-19, rezumat de Universitatea din San Francisco: Peste 30 de simptome identificate / Rata mortalității virusului pare a fi de aproximativ 10 ori mai mare decât cea a gripei

France has recorded its highest number of new Covid-19 cases since late May / The surge relates to the number of PCR tests carried out but also to contact tracing flaws, and slow decision-making

France has recorded its highest number of new Covid-19 cases since late May / The surge relates to the number of PCR tests carried out but also to contact tracing flaws, and slow decision-making

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“Child Trafficking in Paris”: a documentary about the Romanian theft rings operating in Paris / Almost 1 million euros has been transferred to Romania by 38 families

Being culprits and victims at the same time, this is the paradoxical duality of these children –mostly from the Roma…

”Trafic de minori în Paris”, un documentar despre rețelele de hoți din România care operează în capitala Franței/ Aproape 1 milion de euro transferați în România prin intermediul a 38 de familii

”Trafic de minori în Paris”, un documentar despre rețelele de hoți din România care operează în capitala Franței/ Aproape 1 milion de euro transferați în România prin intermediul a 38 de familii

Yves Coppieters, epidemiologist and professor at the Free University of Brussels: If Romanians respect the rules, elections can be held without fear, if they don’t, then the risk of COVID-19 spreading is high and real

Yves Coppieters, epidemiologist and professor at the Free University of Brussels: If Romanians respect the rules, elections can be held without fear, if they don’t, then the risk of COVID-19 spreading is high and real

Janusz Bugajski, analist CEPA: România, cel mai bun candidat din regiune pentru relocarea trupelor americane din Germania / Ar reprezenta o mutare frumoasă pentru a contracara expansionismul Rusiei

Janusz Bugajski, analist CEPA: România, cel mai bun candidat din regiune pentru relocarea trupelor americane din Germania / Ar reprezenta o mutare frumoasă pentru a contracara expansionismul Rusiei

Janusz Bugajski, senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis: Romania is one of the potential hosting countries along with Poland and the Baltic States for the US troops removed from Germany

Janusz Bugajski, senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis: Romania is one of the potential hosting countries along with Poland and the Baltic States for the US troops removed from Germany

Is it safe to travel to France despite the Covid-19 pandemic? / What are the current travel restrictions and safe places to go

Is it safe to travel to France despite the Covid-19 pandemic? / What are the current travel restrictions and safe places to go

While Europe has been through some difficult times since the pandemic started, many people have experienced emotional, physical and mental fatigue, a KFF study says. ...  

The Economist: „Gypsy Lives Matter” / Romii din Marea Britanie se inspiră din Mișcarea Black Lives Matter în căutarea dreptății şi în lupta lor împotriva prejudecății şi rasismului

The Economist: „Gypsy Lives Matter” / Romii din Marea Britanie se inspiră din Mișcarea Black Lives Matter în căutarea dreptății şi în lupta lor împotriva prejudecății şi rasismului

Radical shift in strategy: the US wants to get Russia on its side in the open confrontation with China. Such change could have major consequences even for Romania

Radical shift in strategy: the US wants to get Russia on its side in the open confrontation with China. Such change could have major consequences even for Romania

Moscow responded to Secretary of State Pompeo’s statement in which he suggested that Russia and the US could work together…

COVID-19 resurgence fueled by young adults: Studies and data from several countries suggest young people play a key role in the virus’s spread / They also make up a growing portion of new cases

COVID-19 resurgence fueled by young adults: Studies and data from several countries suggest young people play a key role in the virus’s spread / They also make up a growing portion of new cases

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Russia and Turkey compete to exert influence. Romania wants to secure its gas development projects. Overview of the peripheral actors and the interests they defend

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Russia and Turkey compete to exert influence. Romania wants to secure its gas development projects. Overview of the peripheral actors and the interests they defend

EXCLUSIVE Simona, 24-year-old, recently diagnosed with Covid-19: “Let God enlighten your mind” they said, “the virus does not exist”. For me, the worst is not the pandemic itself, but the negation of it

EXCLUSIVE Simona, 24-year-old, recently diagnosed with Covid-19: “Let God enlighten your mind” they said, “the virus does not exist”. For me, the worst is not the pandemic itself, but the negation of it

SONDAJ Ce cred tinerii români despre pandemia de COVID-19 și răspunsurile politice. 58% sunt în favoarea reînnoirii stării de urgență dacă al doilea val nu devine mai slab

SONDAJ Ce cred tinerii români despre pandemia de COVID-19 și răspunsurile politice. 58% sunt în favoarea reînnoirii stării de urgență dacă al doilea val nu devine mai slab

SURVEY What does the Romanian youth think about the Covid-19 pandemic and the political responses. 58% are in favor of renewing the state of emergency if the second wave keeps strengthening

SURVEY What does the Romanian youth think about the Covid-19 pandemic and the political responses. 58% are in favor of renewing the state of emergency if the second wave keeps strengthening

Elvire, 22-year-old: I thought the Covid-19 only happened to other people, until it happened to us. Doctors said that my father would probably not survive 

Elvire, 22-year-old: I thought the Covid-19 only happened to other people, until it happened to us. Doctors said that my father would probably not survive 

Elvire is a political sciences student living in Paris. After her father attended a work session without physical distancing, she…

The French National Day will pay tribute to the medical staff mobilized during the Covid-19 pandemic. A highly symbolic ceremony marked by national union and sub-European cooperation

The French National Day will pay tribute to the medical staff mobilized during the Covid-19 pandemic. A highly symbolic ceremony marked by national union and sub-European cooperation

franta steag

Ziua Națională a Franței: Pentru prima dată de la sfârșitul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, parada militară va fi înlocuită de o ceremonie dedicată personalului civil și militar care s-a mobilizat în timpul pandemiei de COVID -19

Organizing local elections on September 27 is a risky gamble since Romania is preparing for a second wave of COVID-19. Will the measures PM Orban promised be sufficient to protect voters?

Organizing local elections on September 27 is a risky gamble since Romania is preparing for a second wave of COVID-19. Will the measures PM Orban promised be sufficient to protect voters?

franta steag

The New French Government Unveiled: Roxana Mărăcineanu, a Romanian-born French former swimmer, remains but loses significant powers

The newly-appointed French PM – Jean Castex – unveiled tonight the composition of the much awaited government. Roxana Mărăcineanu switched from minister to deputy minister...  

France’s new Prime Minister: Will something really change?

France’s new Prime Minister: Will something really change?

Following the resignation of the French Prime Minister, President Emmanuel Macron appointed Jean Castex to this position. The new Prime Minister is expected to form...