How does Europe stimulate consumption as household expenditure dropped sharply due to COVID-19
It will take years for the European economy to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, and it will depend, among other things, on the return of...
How COVID-19 is affecting the globe: Country profiles / The USA and Brazil represent together more than 40% of the cases around the world / Critical situation in Spain
The number of Covid-19 cases has surpassed 20 million worldwide according to AFP based on countries’ official numbers and their…
Ce ar trebui să învețe România din exemplul Franței: cum pot fi organizate alegerile locale în contextul pandemiei COVID-19
În timp ce guvernul nu a luat încă o decizie oficială privind amânarea sau menținerea alegerilor locale în 27 septembrie, Franța a început să își...
What should Romania learn from the French case: How the local elections could be organized?
While the government has yet to take a formal decision on whether to postpone or hold them on September 27, France has begun analyzing its...
“Child Trafficking in Paris”: a documentary about the Romanian theft rings operating in Paris / Almost 1 million euros has been transferred to Romania by 38 families
Being culprits and victims at the same time, this is the paradoxical duality of these children –mostly from the Roma…
Is it safe to travel to France despite the Covid-19 pandemic? / What are the current travel restrictions and safe places to go
While Europe has been through some difficult times since the pandemic started, many people have experienced emotional, physical and mental fatigue, a KFF study says. ...
Radical shift in strategy: the US wants to get Russia on its side in the open confrontation with China. Such change could have major consequences even for Romania
Moscow responded to Secretary of State Pompeo’s statement in which he suggested that Russia and the US could work together…
Elvire, 22-year-old: I thought the Covid-19 only happened to other people, until it happened to us. Doctors said that my father would probably not survive
Elvire is a political sciences student living in Paris. After her father attended a work session without physical distancing, she…
The New French Government Unveiled: Roxana Mărăcineanu, a Romanian-born French former swimmer, remains but loses significant powers
The newly-appointed French PM – Jean Castex – unveiled tonight the composition of the much awaited government. Roxana Mărăcineanu switched from minister to deputy minister...
France’s new Prime Minister: Will something really change?
Following the resignation of the French Prime Minister, President Emmanuel Macron appointed Jean Castex to this position. The new Prime Minister is expected to form...