Braila gangster „Dasaev” sentenced to 12 years in prison in the 2018 stabbings of two American basketball players. Sentence can be appealed
Daniel Gabriel Husein, known as Dasaev, the gangster accused of stabbing two American basketball players in Braila in 2018, was sentenced on Wednesday to 12 years in prison, the DeBraila portal reports. The sentence of the Brăila court is not final. The Galati Court of Appeal will have the final say in the case.
„Dasaev” received a sentence of 11 years for attempted murder, 1 year and 6 months for carrying and using dangerous objects without right and 1 year and 6 months for disorderly conduct.
American basketball players Darrel Bowie and Joseph McClain, from ACS Cuza Sport Brăila, were stabbed on the night of 15 to 16 September 2018, on a terrace in the municipality of Brăila. The athletes were transported to the County Hospital of Braila and underwent emergency surgery.
The next day, Darrel Bowie, who was more seriously injured, was transported by SMURD helicopter to Floreasca Hospital in Bucharest. Afterwards, representatives of the sports club in Braila announced that the condition of both athletes had developed favorably.
On 17 September 2018, the main suspect was detained, namely Daniel Gabriel Husein, alias Dasaev. Dasaev is a repeat offender, having been convicted of sexual exploitation and rape by a court in Spain, the offences having been committed on the territory of that country. He received 20 years in prison but was released after 7 years in 2014.
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