BREAKING Bucharest District 1 mayor Clotilde Armand has been indicted / She filed her candidacy for a new term on Thursday
Prosecutors from the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the District 1 Court indicted Clotilde Armand (USR), the mayor of District 1, on Thursday, for the offense of using her position to favor certain individuals.
Clotilde Armand filed her candidacy for a new term as mayor of District 1 on Thursday.
„The evidence collected in the case showed that from May 2022 to August 2022, in her capacity as Mayor of District 1 of Bucharest and in the exercise of her official duties, as a result of issuing Order No. 715/18.02.2022, which designated her as the project manager of ‘Improving Local Administrative Capacity Regarding the Development, Implementation, and Promotion of Anti-corruption Measures,’ project code MySMIS 152134, code SIPOCA 1151, based on a single criminal resolution, the accused issued four orders that resulted in material benefits for herself, totaling 18,720 lei in gross income,” the source stated.
The investigation by the prosecutors began following a complaint by the National Integrity Agency in November 2022.
Prosecutor’s Office Statement:
Under Article 28, paragraphs (10) and (11) of the Guide on the Judicial System’s Relations with the Media, continuing the press release dated March 13, 2024, the spokesperson’s office is authorized to inform the public of the following:
Prosecutors from the Prosecutor’s Office at the District 1 Court in Bucharest have completed the criminal investigation and have decided to indict the accused, Armand Clotilde – Marie – Brigitte, Mayor of District 1 Bucharest, for the offense of using her position to favor certain individuals, as stipulated by Article 301, paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
From the evidence collected in the case, it was shown that from May 2022 to August 2022, in her capacity as Mayor of District 1 of Bucharest and while performing her duties, as a result of issuing Order No. 715/18.02.2022, which designated her as the project manager of ‘Improving Local Administrative Capacity Regarding the Development, Implementation, and Promotion of Anti-corruption Measures,’ project code MySMIS 152134, code SIPOCA 1151, based on a single criminal resolution, the accused Armand Clotilde – Marie – Brigitte issued four orders that resulted in material benefits for herself, totaling 18,720 lei in gross income, as follows:
- On 06.05.2022, she issued Order No. 1708/06.05.2022, whereby for work performed in April 2022 as part of the project management team, project code MySMIS 152134, code SIPOCA 1151, she increased her monthly allowance for April 2022 by 3,744 lei, of which she received 2,191 lei into her personal account, the difference of 1,533 lei representing taxes and contributions, being withheld and transferred by the employer to the state budget.
- On 07.06.2022, she issued Decision No. 2156/07.06.2022, whereby for work performed in May 2022 as part of the project management team, project code MySMIS 152134, code SIPOCA 1151, she increased her monthly allowance for May 2022 by 5,616 lei, of which she received 3,285 lei into her personal account, the difference of 2,331 lei representing taxes and contributions, being withheld and transferred by the employer to the state budget.
- On 05.07.2022, she issued Order No. 2517/05.07.2022, whereby for work performed in June 2022 as part of the project management team, project code MySMIS 152134, code SIPOCA 1151, she increased her monthly allowance for June 2022 by 3,744 lei, of which she received 2,191 lei into her personal account, the difference of 1,533 lei representing taxes and contributions, being withheld and transferred by the employer to the state budget.
- On 01.08.2022, she issued Order No. 2853/01.08.2022, whereby for work performed in July 2022 as part of the project management team, project code MySMIS 152134, code SIPOCA 1151, she increased her monthly allowance for July 2022 by 5,616 lei, of which she received 3,285 lei into her personal account, the difference of 2,331 lei representing taxes and contributions, being withheld and transferred by the employer to the state budget.
It should be noted that the issuance of the indictment is a stage of the criminal process regulated by the Code of Criminal Procedure, a circumstance that in no way infringes upon the principle of the presumption of innocence.
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