
BREAKING Declarație comună Biden – von der Leyen. SUA și UE anunță…

Foto: Brendan Smialowski / AFP

BREAKING Declarație comună Biden – von der Leyen. SUA și UE anunță că fac planuri de măsuri de urgență pentru aprovizionarea cu energie în cazul unei invazii a Rusiei în Ucraina

Președintele SUA Joe Biden și șefa Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, anunță într-un mesaj comun că cele două entități lucrează la planuri de urgență (”contingency plan”) pentru a asigura securitatea aprovizionării cu energie a Ucrainei și a Europei.

Declaratia comună vine pe fondul temerilor populației și mediului de afaceri că sancțiunile ar putea duce la stoparea livrării de gaze și petrol din Rusia către Europa.

Cei doi lideri arată în declarația citată că SUA au devenit deja cel mai mare furnizor de gaze naturale lichefiate pentru UE, iar Bruxelles-ul caută acum și alte surse de aprovizionare cu gaze și petrol.

  • Declarația comună integrală:

More broadly, we call on all major energy producer countries to join us in ensuring world energy markets are stable and well-supplied. This work has already started, and we will take it forward at the meeting of the U.S.-EU Energy Council on February 7.

We are jointly committed to Europe’s energy security and sustainability and to accelerating the global transition to clean energy. We also share the objective of ensuring the energy security of Ukraine and the progressive integration of Ukraine with the EU gas and electricity markets.

The EU and the United States cooperate closely on energy policy, decarbonisation and security of supply in the U.S.-EU Energy Council. The EU’s and the United States’ commitments to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, through clean energy, in particular renewables, energy efficiency, and technologies, provide a path to energy security and reduced dependence on fossil fuels. The current challenges to European security underscore our commitment to accelerating and carefully managing the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.

Over the last decade, the EU has invested in diversification of supply through infrastructure and reinforcement of its internal energy networks, increasing the resilience and flexibility of EU energy markets. The European Commission will intensify work with Member States for security of supply, within transparent and competitive gas markets in a manner compatible with long-term climate goals and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

While that process intensifies during this critical decade, we are committed to working closely together to overcome today’s challenges of security of supply and high prices in energy markets.

We commit to intensifying our strategic energy cooperation for security of supply and will work together to make available reliable, and affordable energy supplies to citizens and businesses in the EU and its neighbourhood.

The United States and the EU are working jointly towards continued, sufficient, and timely supply of natural gas to the EU from diverse sources across the globe to avoid supply shocks, including those that could result from a further Russian invasion of Ukraine. The United States is already the largest supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the EU. We are collaborating with governments and market operators on supply of additional volumes of natural gas to Europe from diverse sources across the globe. LNG in the short-term can enhance security of supply while we continue to enable the transition to net zero emissions. The European Commission will work for improved transparency and utilisation of LNG terminals in the EU.

We intend to work together, in close collaboration with EU Member States, on LNG supplies for security of supply and contingency planning. We will also exchange views on the role of storage in security of supply.

More broadly, we call on all major energy producer countries to join us in ensuring world energy markets are stable and well-supplied. This work has already started, and we will take it forward at the meeting of the U.S.-EU Energy Council on February 7.

Foto: Brendan Smialowski / AFP

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