BREAKING Ethics Commission of the Babes-Bolyai University finds several examples of plagiarism and faulty citation in the doctoral thesis of the Minister for the Interior Lucian Bode: „The thesis is deeply flawed”
The doctoral thesis of Interior Minister Lucian Bode is „deeply flawed”, the Ethics Commission of Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) decided after the second analysis of this thesis, which „confirms other deviations from research ethics than those previously complained of and analyzed by the Commission”: the Commission thus confirms „plagiarism and faulty and incorrect citation”.
According to the Decision published on the UBB website:
(1) „Other deviations from research ethics than those previously complained of and analysed by the Commission – plagiarism and faulty or incorrect citation – are confirmed.
(2) The ethical deviations found are significant enough to conclude that the thesis is deeply flawed.”
The Commission notes that Adrian Ivan, the supervisor of Lucian Bode’s thesis, requested a halt to any analysis, which was not granted.
The Ethics Committee’s decision, published on the UBB website
The Commission states that Adrian Ivan, the supervisor of Lucian Bode’s thesis, requested that all analysis be stopped, a request that was not granted. The UBB published the result of the checks at a time when Minister Bode had appealed to the court in an attempt to block the second round of analysis of his Ph.D. thesis. He claimed earlier this week that he had resorted to this measure because the Ethics Commission could only carry out checks on members of the university community, of which he is not a member. On the other hand, after the commission’s first review in the autumn, which found a much lower percentage of plagiarized content, he welcomed the „UBB verdict”, saying it would show that „my PhD thesis is fine”.
Read the full article on Edupedu.ro(content in Romanian)
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