BREAKING Labor Minister Marius Budăi resigns after the „Horror Asylums” scandal
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has announced that Minister Marius Budăi has resigned as Labour Minister. „It is a gesture of honour,” Ciolacu said.
„I had a discussion this morning with Minister Budăi, who informed me that he is resigning. This is the natural reaction of a political decision-maker in such a crisis. It is the natural reaction in any consolidated democracy in Europe,” said Marcel Ciolacu.
Budăi and Gabriela Firea, the Minister of Family, are considered within the PSD as the main politicians responsible for the scandal that is causing great image problems for the party.
The gesture came amid the DNA case, which concerns the way the institutions under the Ministry of Labour did their job in the nursing home scandal.
Budăi is in charge of several institutions accused of failing to check how Voluntari homes treated the elderly.
Prime Minister Ciolacu has already sacked the heads of some of Budăi’s subordinate institutions in the wake of the public scandal.
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