
Cel puţin 50 de poliţişti au fost răniţi în Berlin, în timpul…

sursa foto: Twitter

Cel puţin 50 de poliţişti au fost răniţi în Berlin, în timpul violenţelor de la protestele de Ziua Muncii. Au fost reţinuţi peste 250 de manifestanţi

Cel puţin 50 de poliţişti au fost răniţi şi peste 250 de protestatari au fost reţinuţi, sâmbătă, în timpul manifestaţiilor de Ziua Muncii de la Berlin, relatează dpa.

Trei dintre poliţişti au suferit fracturi şi sunt în spital.

Sâmbătă, după mai multe manifestaţii paşnice, la Berlin, în cartierul Neukoelln au izbucnit violenţe la un protest la care au participat aproximativ 8.000 de persoane. Poliţia a ripostat folosind spray-uri cu piper, după ce protestatarii au început să arunce cu diverse obiecte şi au provocat mici incendii.

sursa: News.ro, sursa foto: Twitter 

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4 comentarii

  1. Care ziua muncii ? In primul rand este o „sarbatoare” comunista, plina de conotatii referitoare la lupta de clasa si anticapitalista. Nu mai spalatii la creier sarbatoresc aceasta zi. Ce spuneti de o sarbatoare fascista ? Nu va deranjeaza ?

    • Ia de aici mai animal anticomunist.

      On 21 April 1856, Australian stonemasons in Victoria undertook a mass stoppage as part of the eight-hour workday movement. It became a yearly commemoration, inspiring American workers to have their first stoppage.

      1 May was chosen to be International Workers’ Day to commemorate the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago. In that year beginning on 1 May, there was a general strike for the eight-hour workday. On 4 May, the police acted to disperse a public assembly in support of the strike when an unidentified person threw a bomb. The police responded by firing on the workers. The event led to the deaths of seven police officers and at least thirty-eight civilians; sixty police officers were injured, as were one hundred and fifteen civilians. Hundreds of labour leaders and sympathizers were later rounded-up and four were executed by hanging.

      In 1889, a meeting in Paris was held by the first congress of the Second International, following a proposal by Raymond Lavigne that called for international demonstrations on the 1890 anniversary of the Chicago protests.

      On May 1, 1890, the call encouraged May Day demonstrations took place in the United States and most countries in Europe. Demonstrations were also held in Chile and Peru. May Day was formally recognized as an annual event at the International’s second congress in 1891.

      The International Socialist Congress, Amsterdam 1904 called on „all Social Democratic Party organisations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on the First of May for the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace.” The congress made it „mandatory upon the proletarian organisations of all countries to stop work on 1 May, wherever it is possible without injury to the workers.”

      In capul tau, Australia era comunista in 1856, SUA era comunista in 1886, Amsterdamul era dumnezeul comunismului in 1904.

      Asa se explica cum toata familia ta strange sparanghelul cate 12 ore pe zi, in vreme ce „comunistii” din America sau Germania stau acasa cu stimul gras si Kurzarbeit. Ramane campul in paragina daca devin toti „comunisti”.

  2. O comisie, sa analizeze…. niște lepre comuniste. Antifa are același comportament peste tot. Doar ca la noi sunt “huliganii din galeriile cluburilor de fotbal”.

  3. Berlin ul intodeauna a fost plin de comunisti
    Politia trebuie sa puna bata pe ei