CONFERENCE G4Media: „The thrilling movie of fake news and how to dismantle it. The main anti-European narratives”/ Bucharest, March 20. Registration is open
From „5G microchips” to „Western conspiracy” and, more recently, to opinions regarding non-supporting the Ukrainian reffugees – a range of controversial topics flood media channels and social networks every day. How do we know what is false and what is right, what effect do they have on our personal and social lives, including our support for EU membership and European values?
G4Media.ro is organizing on March 20th 2023, from 11:00 to 13:00 at the Excelsior Theatre, Bucharest, the conference:
„The thrilling movie of fake news and how to dismantle it”
●H.E. Mrs Ramona CHIRIAC, Head of the European Commission Representation in Romania
●Patrick LEUSCH, Head of European Affairs, Deutsche Welle (online intervention)
●Cristian PANTAZI, journalist G4Media / Dan TĂPĂLAGĂ, journalist G4Media
●Bogdan OPREA, professor, Faculty of Journalism, University of Bucharest
●Radu BURNETE, Executive Director, the business confederation Concordia
●Marius PIELEANU, sociologist
Moderator of the event: Cătălin GOMBOȘ, journalist, editor in chief Veridica.ro.
The debate aims to dissect the main recent narratives in the area of disinformation and fake news, especially those propagated among young people, their purpose and the dangers they imply, as well as how they have evolved in the history of Romanian democracy.
As a key element, the debate will focus on main anti-european narratives, the way they developed, the transmission vectors, and solutions to fight them.
Registration is open to those interested via the form below. Please note that access will be allowed within the limit of available places, in chronological order of registration, based on the confirmation email that will be sent by the organisers.
Live interpretation Romanian – English will be provided.
The event is organized within the project ”Whos and hows: countering disinformation that pushes citizens away from the European Project” and is designed as a „citizens dialogue” format, you will have the chance to participate actively to this debate, through questions and comments that you can address directly during the event, in spoken or through the interactive platforms which will be available live for participants.
Broadcast partner: VODAFONE
Mobility partner: LIME
Food&drinks partners: Five2Go; CHIAR Răcoritoare
G4Media is a partner in a consortium led by Freedom House Romania, partners: Romanian Centre for European Policies, AMAPOLA – Progetti per la sicurezza delle persone e della comunita Asociazione (Italy), Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria).
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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