CURS poll commissioned by PSD: President Iohannis seen as responsible for Romania not joining Schengen / Majority calls for measures against Austrian economic interests
A survey conducted by Curs on behalf of the PSD between 9 and 11 December, consulted by G4Media, shows that most respondents see President Klaus Iohannis as the principal person to blame for Romania not joining Schengen.
Highlights from the survey:
Who is the person most guilty for Romania not joining Schengen (Open question):
Klaus Iohannis: 23%
Întreaga clasă politică: 12%
Guvernul: 9%
Interesele companiilor private: 7%
Nicolae Ciucă: 7%
Bogdan Aurescu: 5%
Lucian Bode: 4%
The fact that Romania has not joined Schengen is rather due to:
External factors: 47%
Internal factors: 41%
On a European level, who do you think helped Romania more in its effort to join the Schengen area?
European Left: 36%
European Right: 32%
Nobody: 21%
As a result of Romania not joining Schengen, do you think Romania should take action against Austria’s economic interests in Romania?
Yes: 56%
No: 40%
What action do you think the Romanian state should take (% of those who want the Romanian state to take action against Austrian interests in Romania)
Blocking Romanian state acquisitions from Austrian companies: 56%
Cooling diplomatic relations with Austria: 55%
Legal action at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU): 46%
Romania’s actions against Austria in decisions of European institutions: 44%
Technical data: Sample size: 1088 respondents, voters aged 18 and over. Maximum margin of error for the whole sample: +/-3% at 95% confidence level. Data collection method: CATI method. Timeframe: 9 – 11 December, 2022.
Translated article.
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