
Detalii despre summitul Biden – Putin din 16 iunie: secretarul de Stat…

sursa foto: Kremlin.ru

Detalii despre summitul Biden – Putin din 16 iunie: secretarul de Stat Antony Blinken anunță că președintele SUA va propune colaborarea cu Rusia pentru ”stabilitate strategică” și controlul armamentului

Antony Blinken, secretarul american de Stat, a anunțat că președintele Joe Biden îi va propune omologului său rus, Vladimir Putin, o colaborare legată de ”stabilitatea strategică” și controlul armamentului. ”Trebuie să testăm propunerea, iar cel mai bun mod de a o face este ca cei doi președinți să se întâlnească față în față”, a declarat Blinken într-un interviu acordat jurnalistului Mike Allen de la Axios și citat de Departamentul de Stat.

Conceptul de ”stabilitatea strategică” se referă la echilibrul între puterile nucleare globale.

Blinken a mai spus că SUA preferă o relație ”mai stabilă, mai predictibilă cu Rusia. Dar am fost clari că, dacă Rusia alege să acționeze agresiv sau nesăbuit la adresa noastră sau a aliaților, vom răspunde”.

În momentul în care ziaristul i-a atras atenția că acțiunile SUA nu îl opresc pe Vladimir Putin din acțiunile sale ostile la adresa Americii, Bliken a spus că ”președintele Biden se va întâlni cu președintele Putin nu în ciuda acestor agresiuni și atacuri, ci din cauza lor, pentru a-i spune direct și clar la ce se poate aștepta din partea SUA dacă aceste acțiuni agresive continuă”.

Partea de interviu legată de Rusia (în original în engleză):

QUESTION: Last stop on the tour, Russia. With these cyber attacks, President Putin is thumbing his nose at the U.S. – blatant disrespect. What is the U.S. going to do about it?

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, what we’re going to do about it is to do what President Biden has already done, which is to make very clear —

QUESTION: But it’s not working. We’ve had our food supply threatened, we’ve had our energy supply threatened, now transportation threatened.

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Look, there are – we would prefer to have a more stable, predictable relationship with Russia. We’ve made that clear. But we’ve made equally clear that if Russia chooses to act aggressively or recklessly toward us or toward our allies and partners, we’ll respond.

When it comes to these ransomware attacks, of course, we’ve already talked to the Russians about this. One of the things we’re seeing is that criminal enterprises seem to be engaged in these attacks. And it is an obligation on the part of any country, including Russia, if it has a criminal enterprise acting from its territory against anyone else, to do what’s necessary to stop it, to bring it to justice.

QUESTION: And yet, Mr. Secretary, Putin is clearly completely undeterred.

SECRETARY BLINKEN: One of the reasons that the President will be meeting with President Putin in a week’s time is not in spite of these aggressions, these attacks, it’s because of them, to tell him directly and clearly what he can expect from the United States if aggressive, reckless actions toward us continue. Equally, though, to make clear that if Russia by its actions chooses a different course, we would prefer a more stable, predictable relationship. There are things we can do together that would advance the security of our people, the Russian people, people around the world – strategic stability, arms control. So we’re going to explore that. We have to test the proposition, and the best way to do that is for the two presidents to meet face to face.

QUESTION: Are you optimistic that after that summit that there will be a, as you put it, “more stable” relationship?

SECRETARY BLINKEN: This is going to be a test of that proposition. I can’t tell you whether I’m optimistic or not about the results of that test, but it’s important to do that. And also, I don’t think we’re going to know after one meeting, but we’ll have some indications and we’ll see. We’re prepared either way.

QUESTION: What do you mean by prepared?

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, as I said, we’re prepared if Russia chooses to continue reckless and aggressive action – we’re prepared to deal with that, as we have – on the other hand, if it chooses a different course, we’re prepared to engage.

sursa foto: Kremlin.ru

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