DOCUMENT Iohannis și Zelenski au semnat o declarație pentru un Parteneriat strategic bilateral / Ucraina, recunoscătoare României pentru „pachetul semnificativ de asistență în domeniul apărării”
Președinții Klaus Iohannis și Volodimir Zelenski au semnat o declarație pentru un Parteneriat strategic între România și Ucraina.
Declarația confirmă sprijinul și angajamentul necondiționat față de suveranitatea, independența, unitatea și integritatea teritorială a Ucrainei în cadrul frontierelor sale recunoscute la nivel internațional, inclusiv în apele sale teritoriale.
„Ucraina este recunoscătoare României pentru pachetul semnificativ de asistență în domeniul apărării oferit de la începutul invaziei pe scară largă”, se arată în document.
Declarația condamnă cu hotărâre războiul de agresiune în curs de desfășurare al Federației Ruse împotriva Ucrainei și convine asupra imperativului „de a continua asistența practică acordată statului ucrainean atât timp cât este necesar pentru a obține victoria asupra statului agresor și pentru a stabili o pace cuprinzătoare, justă și durabilă”.
Documentul exprimă sprijinul deplin pentru formula de pace a președintelui Ucrainei.
Cei doi președinți au remarcat în mod pozitiv interesul deosebit și implicarea României pentru punctele „Securitate alimentară” și „Securitatea radiologică și nucleară” ale Formulei Păcii și au făcut apel la toate statele care respectă normele de drept internațional și principiile Cartei ONU să sprijine procesul de implementare a acestei inițiative.
iohannis și Zelenski au salutat faptul că în curând va fi deschisă o nouă rută feroviară pentru tranzitul cerealelor din Ucraina, care va face legătura cu porturile românești și au convenit să mențină o coordonare strânsă, transparentă, previzibilă și bazată pe principii în ceea ce privește tranzitul de cereale ucrainene prin România, să continue să găsească soluții comune cu bună credință și să le pună în aplicare rapid și integral pe cele deja convenite. Au subliniat importanța îmbunătățirii conectivității dintre România și Ucraina, inclusiv prin dezvoltarea infrastructurii de transport existente, facilitarea trecerilor de frontieră și eliminarea blocajelor, precum și prin crearea de noi puncte de trecere a frontierei.
Este apreciată în mod deosebit asistența multidimensională acordată de România pentru a răspunde nevoilor Ucrainei și ale cetățenilor ucraineni încă din primele zile ale invaziei militare la scară largă a Federației Ruse și este subliniată importanța continuării acestui sprijin.
Cei doi președinți au convenit asupra importanței începerii pregătirii piloților ucraineni în cadrul centrului de pregătire specializat pentru F16 din România și au convenit că piloții ucraineni vor fi incluși în primul val al acestei pregătiri. Președinții au remarcat că acest lucru, împreună cu participarea soldaților ucraineni la alte centre de pregătire din România, reprezintă o contribuție importantă a României la consolidarea capacităților de apărare ale Ucrainei.
Declarația integrală:
Upon invitation of the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy paid an official visit to Romania.
The Presidents of Romania and Ukraine had talks, following which they:
– underlined that they share the vision of relations between Romania and Ukraine as a Strategic Partnership based on the principles of good neighbourliness, shared democratic values and respect for international law. We decided to build a Strategic Partnership between Ukraine and Romania and asked our teams to begin working on this, without delay;
– agreed to further intensify their efforts aimed at developing a solid and comprehensive relationship between Romania and Ukraine, based on mutual trust, respect, and solidarity; reaffirmed in this context their commitment for a positive, predictable, forward-looking, project-based agenda of cooperation between Romania and Ukraine, to be pursued in a constructive spirit;
– confirmed unconditional support and commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, including its territorial waters. Ukraine is grateful to Romania for its meaningful defence assistance package provided since the beginning of the large scale invasion;
– resolutely condemned the ongoing war of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and agreed on the imperative to continue practical assistance to the Ukrainian state for as long as necessary to achieve victory over the aggressor state and establish a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace;
– expressed full support for the Peace Formula of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The Presidents positively noted Romania’s particular interest for and involvement in the „Food security” and „Radiation and nuclear security” points of the Peace Formula and called on all states that respect norms of international law and principles of the UN Charter to support the implementation process of this initiative;
– confirmed the joint intention to use all available international formats to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including the International Crimea Platform;
– noted the readiness to continue and deepen cooperation on issues of strengthening the security in the Black Sea region, response to the challenges and of the consequences of the Russian armed aggression as well as ensuring freedom of navigation in the Black Sea. In this context they welcomed the successful First Black Sea Security Conference of the International Crimean Platform, jointly organized by Romania and Ukraine in Bucharest in April 2023, and expressed their desire that the conference will become an annual event;
– emphasized that today Romania and Ukraine jointly make a critical contribution to ensuring global food security by virtue of the transit of Ukrainian agricultural products through the territory of Romania. The Presidents supported ongoing, coordinated efforts to double the transit volumes through Romania from the current 2 million tons to 4 million tons per month;
– welcomed the fact that a new railway route for transit of grain from Ukraine will be opened soon connecting it with Romanian ports. They commended Romania’s readiness to step up the export potential for products originating in Ukraine;
– agreed to keep a close, transparent, predictable and principled coordination regarding the transit of Ukrainian grain through Romania, to continue finding common solutions in good faith and swiftly and fully implement the already agreed ones;
– underlined the importance of improving the connectivity between Romania and Ukraine, including through the development of existing transport infrastructure, facilitation of border crossings and the removal of bottlenecks, and the establishment of new border crossing points;
– highly valued Romania’s multidimensional assistance to meet the needs of Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens since the first days of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation and noted the importance of continuing such support;
– agreed on the importance of starting training of the Ukrainian pilots within the dedicated F16 training centre in Romania and agreed that Ukrainian pilots will be included in the first wave of such training. The Presidents noted that this, along with the participation of Ukrainian soldiers at other training facilities in Romania, is an important contribution of Romania to the strengthening of Ukraine’s defence capabilities;
– strongly condemned the grave crimes and atrocities committed by the Russian military and officials, including deliberate and indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure of Ukraine, other war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Presidents confirmed their commitment for full accountability for all crimes committed in Ukraine, including for the crime of aggression. They saluted in this respect the ongoing investigations carried out by the International Criminal Court, the activity of the Joint Investigation Team and the establishment of the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine as well as the activity of the Core Group of States aiming at identifying the most adequate legal solutions for the establishment of Special Tribunal for the crime of aggression in Ukraine;
– strongly condemned the deliberate and systematic Russian attacks against the civilian infrastructure, including of the Ukrainian ports on the Danube, which affected both banks of the Danube, pose serious threats to the safety of citizens and are war crimes that further undermine the Ukrainian economy, food security, including at the global level, and violate free navigation on the Danube and in the Black Sea;
– emphasized that the sanctions introduced by the EU and the wider international community against the Russian Federation should be maintained and strengthened until the full restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, including the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
– agreed on the importance of implementing an effective policy of isolation of the Russian Federation, as an aggressor state, in the framework of international organizations;
– noted the importance of Romania joining the group of founding countries of the International Register of Damages caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (under the auspices of the Council of Europe);
– stated the importance of Romania’s participation in the implementation of projects for the reconstruction and restoration of Ukraine, as well as the use of the Romanian logistics and transport infrastructure as a hub for partner countries participating in the implementation of projects in Ukraine;
– noted Romania’s firm support for Ukraine’s progress towards the strategic goal of full membership in the European Union. The Presidents positively assessed the results of Ukraine’s implementation of seven recommendations of the European Commission. They took note of Ukraine’s commitment to carry out and fully implement in a sustainable manner all the reforms required in the process of European integration, notably those aimed at strengthening democracy, the rule of law and the respect of human rights, including those of persons belonging to national minorities. The Presidents emphasized the need for a political decision to be taken by the end of 2023 on opening the EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova;
– noted the consistency of joint efforts to support Ukraine’s integration into NATO and implementation of relevant standards, including in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Statement of the Presidents of Romania and Ukraine on the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine dated June 1, 2023;
– welcomed the fact that Romania became a signatory of the Joint Declaration of the G7 on support for Ukraine and Romania’s willingness to start negotiations for a bilateral framework with Ukraine in this respect;
– emphasized the importance of using existing cooperation mechanisms within the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, UNESCO, IAEA, etc., as well as of regional formats – including the trilateral Romania-Republic of Moldova – Ukraine, the Three Seas Initiative, the Bucharest 9 – to strengthen practical assistance to Ukraine and foster cooperation between respective countries on security, energy, infrastructure and other projects;
– reaffirmed mutual determination to strengthen practical cooperation between Romania and Ukraine in all spheres of mutual interest. The Presidents emphasized that the first Joint session of the Government of Romania and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, in October 2023, in Kyiv should make a new impetus in fostering such cooperation;
– noted the importance of effective cooperation aimed at ensuring the rights of the persons belonging to the Ukrainian national minority in Romania, and of the persons belonging to the Romanian national minority in Ukraine, including by developing the bilateral legal framework, based on the principle of equivalent level of protection of the rights of persons belonging to the Romanian minority in Ukraine and the persons belonging to the Ukrainian minority in Romania, taking into account international obligations and standards;
– tasked the Governments to resolve, without delay, the issue of the artificial distinction between the Romanian and “Moldovan” languages, with due regard to all legal aspects;
– highlighted the importance of joint efforts, both bilaterally and in multilateral formats, to counter foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI), in particular Russian disinformation and propaganda;
– stated that Romania and Ukraine demonstrate resolve to further strengthen interstate relations on the basis of mutual trust and respect, openness and comprehensive cooperation for the benefit of the peoples of both states.
Signed on 10 October 2023, in Bucharest, Romania, in two copies, both in English.
President of Romania
President of Ukraine
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