DOCUMENT România, Franța și Olanda au semnat o declarație comună pe teme de securitate. Sprijin pentru aderarea României la Schengen
O declaraţie comună franco-română-olandeză privind cooperarea în domeniul securităţii a fost semnată vineri la București de miniştrii de Externe ai celor trei ţări, transmite Agerpres.
Documentul diplomatic prevede cooperarea celor trei țări în NATO şi susţinerea pentru Ucraina şi Republica Moldova.
„România, Franţa şi Olanda stau alături şi condamnă agresiunea rusă în Ucraina. Vom intensifica susţinerea noastră pentru poporul ucrainean, pentru a-i ajuta să se apere eficient. Repetăm susţinerea noastră pentru suveranitatea şi integritatea teritorială a Ucrainei, în cadrul graniţelor sale recunoscute internaţional, dar şi ajutorul nostru multidimensional pentru Ucraina, inclusiv legat de consolidarea rezilienţei şi reconstrucţia pe termen lung”, se precizează în documentul semnat de Catherine Colonna, Bogdan Aurescu şi Wopke Hoekstra.
România, Franţa şi Olanda se angajează să combată migraţia ilegală, în conformitate cu Pactul UE în acest sens, și indică susținerea aderării României la spaţiul Schengen.
„Aderarea României va fi o demonstraţie clară a principiului că aderarea este posibilă atunci când condiţiile pentru aceasta sunt îndeplinite. România, Franţa şi Olanda consideră că rezilienţa spaţiului Schengen şi în special controlul eficient la frontieră sunt de importanţă majoră şi ţările sunt angajate să colaboreze, inclusiv cu alţi parteneri, pentru a face graniţele externe ale UE mai sigure”, se mai precizează în declaraţie.
Textul integral al declarației:
Bucharest Declaration on Foreign and Security cooperation between Romania, the French Republic and the Netherlands
Date: 01/27/23
As close European partners and NATO allies, the governments of Romania, the French Republic and the Netherlands share deep ties of cooperation and understanding, based on shared norms and values.
Our countries are committed to broadening and deepening our diplomatic ties and strengthening our capabilities to face current and future threats and challenges to our security and shared values. This Bucharest Declaration marks our ambition to boost our partnership, which includes foreign policy, defence and security, sustainable development and all other relevant topics of common interest at EU and multilateral levels.
Romania, France and the Netherlands work together in line with EU and NATO policies. The three countries undertake every joint activity in accordance with shared values, principles and rules.
Support to Ukraine and to the Republic of Moldova
Romania, France and the Netherlands stand shoulder to shoulder in condemning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. We will step up our support for the people of Ukraine, to help them defend themselves successfully. We reiterate our support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, as well as for providing multidimensional assistance to Ukraine, including for building its resilience and long-term reconstruction.
We also express our strong commitment to supporting the development of a stable and resilient Republic of Moldova, including through the Moldova Support Platform.
Security cooperation
Our 19 years of cooperation in NATO has been exceptionally highlighted by the joint French-Dutch effort in the Battle Group in Cincu over the last year, along with Belgium. Romania, France and the Netherlands have worked collectively on deterrence and defence against external threats, and they will continue to do so. We are committed to strengthening NATO’s long-term defence posture on its Eastern Flank as a whole and to working together closely, fully implementing the decisions of the Madrid Summit and in accordance with the Declaration of the Foreign Ministers Meeting in Bucharest.
We will work together to enhance our resilience and that of our Allies, as well as of our partners in the Eastern neighbourhood. We also reaffirm our commitment to a cyber dialogue to strengthen the fight against cybercrime.
Migration and Asylum
We recommit to combating irregular migration and bolstering cooperation within Europe, in line with the proposals in the EU’s Pact on Migration and Asylum. We reiterate our support for a comprehensive approach on migration, based on the principles of solidarity and responsibility, bringing together policy in the areas of migration and asylum, cooperation with the external partners, integration and border management.
Schengen enlargement
France and the Netherlands look forward to welcoming Romania in the Schengen area as soon as possible. Romania’s accession will be a clear demonstration of the principle that accession is possible when the requirements are met. Romania, France and the Netherlands consider that the resilience of the Schengen area, in particular when it comes to effective border management, is of utmost importance, and are committed to work together, as well as with other partners in order to make all EU external borders more secure.
Multilateral cooperation
As like-minded partners, we have a history of working together in multilateral forums to advocate freedom and to affirm and bolster our democracy, the rule of law and human rights. Romania, France and the Netherlands collaborate in regard to these shared values through their memberships of organisations including the United Nations (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), international financial institutions and the Council of Europe. France and the Netherlands also look forward to welcoming Romania to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) soon.
We reaffirm our allegiance to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the promotion of a rules-based international order. During the joint Bucharest meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs on 27 January 2023, all three countries reaffirmed their support for the need to ensure accountability for the most serious crimes under international law committed on the territory of Ukraine. We are working on establishing the necessary additional justice mechanisms, like a possible special tribunal. This is in addition to our support to the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice. These are clear signals of our shared values in the multilateral framework, which is of particular importance in challenging times such as these.
Regarding the downing of flight MH17, we will continue to do everything we can to establish the truth and achieve full accountability and justice for the victims and their next of kin. We welcome the proceedings against the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights and the International Civil Aviation Organisation.
Sustainable Development
Our countries continue to support the Sustainable Development Goals and the promotion of peace, security, stability and open societies in developing nations. Special attention is being devoted to promoting diversity and inclusion, in particular the rights of women and children, gender equality, LGBTIQ+ rights and combating all forms of discrimination.
Trilateral dialogue
Our already excellent diplomatic ties will be further enhanced at all levels. Our commitment and cooperation at multilateral meetings is strong.
Signed in Bucharest on 27 January 2023 in English and French languages.
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