EXCLUSIVE Avangarde POLL: 73% of Romanians believe there will be a major economic crisis / Half of the population fears inflation the most, followed by the energy and food crisis and rising bank interest rates / 67% have reduced consumption. Where did consumers cut back most?
73% of Romanians believe that there will be a major economic crisis in the coming period and only 3% believe that there will not be a crisis, while 20% cannot estimate, according to a survey conducted by Avangarde, commissioned by G4Media.ro. According to the survey, the main concern of Romanians is inflation (50%), followed by the energy crisis caused by Russia (17%), the food crisis (15%) and rising bank rates (10%).
67% of those surveyed say they have reduced consumption as a result of inflation, only 20% say they have not and 10% cannot estimate. When asked to indicate from a list where they cut back the most, most say they cut back on food (21%), other household necessities (18%) and clothing (14%).
36% of those who use gas heating say they are considering investing in alternative heating systems for fear of rising gas bills, 29% are not considering it and 25% cannot estimate. 68% of those surveyed say they have invested or will invest in reducing electricity consumption in general (more efficient appliances, LED bulbs, fewer lights turned on in the household, etc.) and only 15% say they will not.
33% of Romanians do not save any money at all and another 30% say they save less money than last year. 13% say they are saving the same as last year and only 7% say they are putting even more money aside compared to last year.
32% of those surveyed expect property prices to rise, 28% expect them to stay the same and only 12% expect them to fall.
38% expect the Russian Federation to completely cut off gas supplies to Europe this winter. 26% do not think this will happen and 29% cannot estimate. 42% are confident that Europe will find solutions to overcome a possible energy crisis due to a possible complete cut-off of gas supply. 21% do not think Europe will find solutions and 30% cannot estimate.
39% of those surveyed are convinced that Romania’s natural resources will help it avoid an energy crisis this winter. 26% are not convinced and 29% cannot estimate.
Translated from Romanian
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