Fake plastic surgeon Matteo Politi has been sentenced to three years and ten months in prison / SOURCES: Police have not found him and are about to put out a wanted persons’ alert
Fake plastic surgeon Matteo Politi was sentenced to three years and ten months in prison by the Bucharest Court of Appeal, and the magistrates’ decision is final, reports News.ro.
The Bucharest Court of Appeal decided on Wednesday to reject as unfounded Matteo Politi’s appeal against the sentencing decision received from the Bucharest District 1 Court. The court’s decision is final.
Last November, Matteo Politi was sentenced to three years and ten months in prison by the District 1 Court. His conviction came for fraud and offences related to forgery, but not for the unlawful exercise of the medical profession, as the statute of limitations has expired here.
Matteo Politi was also ordered by the court to pay the civil parties moral and material damages of almost 30,000 lei and over 11,000 euros.
The man was indicted in January 2020.
According to the indictment, „between March 2018 and 07.12.2018, the man performed acts specific to the profession of plastic and aesthetic surgeon on nineteen patients, in clinics in the municipality of Bucharest”, and between March 2018 and 07.12. 2018, „misled nine injured persons as to his capacity as a specialist in plastic-aesthetic surgery and as a doctor with the right to practice in Romania, using a false name and performed on them acts specific to the capacity of plastic-aesthetic surgeon, thus obtaining an unjust patrimonial benefit consisting of the sums of money paid by the patients for the medical acts performed on them, amounting to approximately 13,880 lei and 10,150 Euro”.
The investigators also alleged that, between 3 September 2018 and 4 September 2018, he misled two injured persons, doctors – by „introducing himself as the person named M.M. (n.r. – Matthew Mode)” and that „he presented to them as true the false fact that in a short time, namely until 17 September 2018, he had been deceiving them”. 2018, he would be the owner of a clinic, based in Bucharest, although he knew that there was no real possibility of acquiring the clinic within that period, as he did not have the financial resources for this purpose – and thus led them to conclude a contract for the provision of services with a commercial company, of which he was the administrator, collecting the amount of 13,896 lei, representing the rent for three months of use of a surgery within the clinic, the two doctors not being able to benefit from the space in question, as they were not allowed access by the true owner”.
Politi was also accused of having induced officials from the Bucharest Public Health Directorate to take the necessary steps to obtain the right to practise, by handing them documents falsely attesting to his status as a doctor and his specialisation as a plastic and cosmetic surgeon – to deliberately draw up a registration certificate dated 23. 03.03.2018, certifying that he was registered in the personnel records of the D.S.P.M.B. with a code number, even though he was not a doctor and, consequently, did not fulfil the conditions of free practice.
„On 22.03. 2018, the accused induced officials of the Ministry of National Education – National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas, handing them documents falsely attesting his quality of doctor and specialization of plastic surgeon-aesthetician – to draw up, without guilt, an attestation on the basis of which the Higher Education Graduation Diploma, issued by the Faculty of Medicine – University of Pristina, is recognized as a bachelor’s degree in the field of health, the certificate also recognizing the studies obtained abroad, in relation to the Romanian education system, for the purpose of employment and for enrolment in professional training courses, although the defendant was not a doctor and had not attended medical courses at the faculty in question, the diploma being false”, the indictment also stated.
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