
Far-right party AUR calls for ” clarifications” on the national security laws,…

Far-right party AUR calls for ” clarifications” on the national security laws, 6 days after the first reports came to light about the draft laws

The far-right party AUR is asking the institutions of the national security system for clarifications on the draft laws in the national security package, according to a party statement. The statement was issued 6 days after G4Media exclusively published information from the draft laws.

„In 1989 Romanians died to get rid of the Securitate, and now it is coming back stronger than ever. If what has appeared in the press is confirmed, it would be a very serious matter, because the provisions in question would allow large-scale abuses under the false mask of national security. The AUR will categorically oppose such an initiative in Parliament, which would throw us straight into a democracy of the epaulets. We are the only parliamentary party that is not an appendage to the secret services and we will demonstrate this at the vote,” said George Simion, president of AUR, according to the press release.

Background. G4Media has published exclusively since Tuesday May 31 provisions of the ten draft laws known as the „security laws”.

According to Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă, the draft laws were drawn up by the institutions concerned – intelligence services, and ministries. G4Media has published a series of articles over the past four days reflecting the most significant changes brought about by these bills.

The bills are now under discussion by the governing coalition and are due to be adopted by the government, then sent to parliament for debate. Changes may be made to these drafts in the coalition and government debates and in Parliament.

It is a comprehensive package of 10 laws concerning the functioning and organization of the intelligence services, the army, the Interior Ministry, and the Supreme Security Council (CSAT). Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă announced on 27 May that the drafts were being examined by each party in the coalition and would be debated by the government within a week before being sent to parliament.

„The laws have been drafted at the level of each responsible institution, the package in its entirety is at the level of each party, so that the specialized committees can analyze and I believe that no later than a week we can have the package for analysis and approval at government level so that it can be submitted to Parliament,” said Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă on May 27.

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