Fatal Oversight: Young driver found with Drugs by Police during night stop for reckless driving, released without drug test, ends in tragic death of two 20 year olds pedestrians
UPDATE: The head of the Constanta County Police Inspectorate (IPJ), Constantin Glugă, confirmed at a press conference on Monday that the young man had been stopped twice by police officers in traffic and was taken to the police headquarters in Vama Veche after drugs were discovered in his car. The IPJ chief confirmed that the driver was not tested for drugs as he was not behaving in a way that would indicate drug use and claimed that the young man had consumed prohibited substances after leaving the police headquarters.
The head of the Constanta IPJ said he had ordered a preliminary investigation of an officer and two police officers to determine whether or not there was a disciplinary offence because the young man had not been tested for drug use.
However, Glugă said the drugs found in the young man’s car were different from those indicated by the drug test machine after the accident.
Vlad Pascu, the young man accused of killing two people Black Sea coast town of 2 Mai while driving on drugs, was stopped by police twice before the fatal accident, but was let off each time because the local police did not test him for drugs, only for alcohol, judicial sources told G4Media.
First, Vlad Pascu was stopped for a routine check around 00.00, five hours before the accident.
The second time, police stopped him at around 3am after a 112 call reporting that the young man was driving erratically around the seaside resort. Officers took him to the station and gave him an alcohol test, which came back negative. The officers also failed to test him for drugs and let him go, according to reports, even though police have found drugs in the car.
Just two hours later, around 5 a.m. Saturday morning, the young man caused the accident that killed two people.
Background. Vlad Pascu, the young man accused of killing two people on 2 Mai sea resort while driving on drugs, was investigated in 2022 for drug possession, but DIICOT prosecutors dropped the case on the grounds of a small amount of drugs, according to a final decision by the Bucharest court.
Prosecutors dropped the prosecution on the grounds that the young man was in possession of too small a quantity of the drug – 0.68g cannabis.
In addition, according to G4Media information, Vlad Pascu had previously undergone detoxification at a specialist clinic in Bucharest.
The young man who crashed his car into a group of people on 2 Mai, an accident that left two people dead, is called Vlad Pascu, is from Bucharest and comes from a wealthy family, with a declared passion on social networks for powerful cars, sources in the investigation told Digi24.
He has been photographed in various poses with designer clothes, expensive cars, and the latest photo is from the beach the other day. The young man’s mother is a well-known real estate developer in the capital, and his father owns a car tuning shop for off-road cars.
According to posts on social media, the perpetrator of the accident had only had his driving license for a few months. He even made a point of marking the moment he got his license with a photo posted online.
Luminița Popescu, the lawyer of the young man who killed two people in the road accident in 2 Mai, told journalists that he admitted using drugs, but said he was not a user, but had received the drugs in Vama Veche, where he had come to a party.
She was asked if this was the first time her client had used drugs. „Yes, from what I understand, he is not a user. He received them in Vama Veche,” Luminița Popescu said.
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