Final court ruling: Traian Băsescu informant of secret state police Securitate. The Supreme Court rejected the former president’s appeal.
The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) upheld the decision of the trial court and ruled that Traian Băsescu was a collaborator of the Securitate for acts of political police. The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected the appeal lodged by former President Băsescu against the decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal.
Traian Băsescu on Facebook: „I have taken note of the ICCJ decision, which I will not comment on publicly, as I have done throughout the process. I will take legal steps at the ECHR”
The court’s decision comes after documents filed in court by the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (CNSAS) showed that Basescu had been assigned a liaison officer by the former Securitate, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, and that he had given two handwritten information notes, signed with the code name „Petrov”.
According to CNSAS, during his collaboration with the Securitate, Traian Băsescu provided information denouncing his university and work colleagues for alleged „activities contrary to the totalitarian communist regime”, such as their intention to go abroad and their relations with foreign citizens, which were contained in the information notes dated 05.05.1975.
On 20 September 2019, the Bucharest Court of Appeal – the court of first instance – admitted the CNSAS case and ruled that former President Traian Băsescu collaborated with the communist Securitate.
Magistrates at the Bucharest Court of Appeal took nine months before issuing the written explanation for the decision, and in June 2020, the case reached the Supreme Court – Administrative Litigation Section, after Traian Băsescu filed an appeal.
According to the CNSAS, former President Traian Băsescu gave informative notes that would have led to a Navy colleague being confined in the country.
Documents filed with the court by CNSAS show that Băsescu had a liaison officer appointed by the former Securitate, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and that he gave two handwritten information notes.
According to the CNSAS, during his collaboration with the Securitate, Traian Băsescu provided information denouncing activities against the totalitarian communist regime, such as his intention to leave for a foreign country and his relations with foreign citizens, as contained in the information notes given on May 5, 1975.
Translated from Romanian
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