
Fostul cancelar Schroeder: ”Chestiunea climatului merge prea departe; totul este eclipsat de…

Fostul cancelar Schroeder: ”Chestiunea climatului merge prea departe; totul este eclipsat de această dezbatere”

Fostul cancelar german Gerhard Schroeder a avertizat asupra actualei tendinţe la nivel european prin care problema schimbărilor climatice subordonează în dezbaterea publică toate celelalte chestiuni care ar trebui să fie de interes, consemnează agenţia DPA, preluată  de Agerpres.

”Nu contest că este o problemă importantă. Dar faptul că aproape întreaga dezbatere politică este dominată de chestiunea climatului merge prea departe”, a declarat Schroeder pentru Handelsblatt.

”Partidele tradiţionale au încercat întotdeauna să se adreseze unei palete largi de chestiuni sociale: Dar competitivitatea? Cum este gestionat sistemul nostru educaţional? Cum putem ţine pasul cu digitalizarea? Acestea sunt întrebări importante. Însă acum totul este eclipsat de dezbaterea privind climatul”, remarcă Gerhard Schroeder.

Acesta s-a referit în mod special asupra impactului pe care dezbaterea despre climă o are asupra industriei autor germanee, aflată în dificultate din cauza noilor norme privind emisiile de noxe și presiunilor de a dezvolta noi tehnologii costisitoare pentru automobilele electrice.

”Adesea uităm că diesel-ul va fi încă mulţi ani de acum înainte un tip de motor important (…) Este de necrezut că producători auto consacraţi se lasă singuri împinşi într-un colţ. Managementul lor trebuie să aibă curajul să spună: Avem nevoie de mai mult timp şi trebuie să susţinem ambele variante”, a comentat Schroeder.

Foto: Gerhard Schroeder alături de președintele Rusiei, Vladimir Putin

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16 comentarii

  1. Da, de ce sa trecem la vehicule electrice, sau pe fuel cell, cand putem sa cumparam combustibili fosili de la fosila sovietica Putin?

    Nu mai bine ne lasam inrobiti de Rusia putinista?

    Schroeder e un gunoi.

    • pt # kondensatorii care INCA nu stiu pe ce lume traiesc

      russika & germanika fac brudershaft de ani buuuuni de zile

      Schröder’s Russian sell-out

      Leaders of Western democracies should be prohibited from working for authoritarian regimes or private interests.

      Last week’s nomination of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to the board of Rosneft, Russia’s largest oil company, is the most spectacular example to date of a Western politician selling out to an authoritarian government.

      When former heads of Western governments go on the payroll of authoritarian regimes they undermine the liberal democracies they used to serve, just as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair did when he sold himself out to Central Asian dictators.

      Schröder himself joined the supervisory board of Russian heavyweight Gazprom’s Nord Stream project in 2005, right after being voted out of office.

      His Rosneft move is even more brazen, given that the Russian government directly owns the majority of the company



      German businessmen in Russia – more than Gerhard Schröder

      From Stasi to the top of Russia

      Before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989,

      Matthias Warnig had worked in the DDR’s infamous Stasi security service.

      In 1990, he got a job working for the Dresdner Bank and soon became the first person to obtain a license to open a foreign bank in Saint Petersburg.

      There, he established contact with Vladimir Putin,

      who was starting out his political career.

      According to the official version of events, Warnig and Putin first met in Saint Petersburg.

      However, according to media reports citing Warnig’s former colleagues,

      the two were already acquainted in Dresden,

      where Putin worked for the Russian secret service, the KGB.

      Between 2003 and 2015, he was a member of the supervisory committee of Rossiya bank, which is controlled by pro-regime businessmen Yuri Kovalchuk and Nikolai Shamalov.

      The former Stasi agent also served as the CEO of Nord Stream AG, and is now the executive director of Nord Stream 2.

      Additionally, he is a member of an advisory board of the VTB bank,

      and the board of directors in both Rosneft and pipeline-producing Transneft.

      He also holds one of top jobs in the Russian aluminum giant, Rusal.

      In 2012, he received a medal from Vladimir Putin for „special merit in the development of bilateral relations” with Russia.



      In the mid-2000s, he led the top energy business in Germany, E.ON-Rurhgas,

      and served as an independent director in Gazprom,

      before entering the board of directors in Novatek,

      another major natural gas producer in Russia.

      He was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship in 2011.



      Russia’s state railway company also has a German in their board of directors.

      Harmut Mehdorn, a close fried to former chancellor Schröder and a former chief of Germany’s Deutsche Bahn, joined the board in 2011,

      after leaving his post in the German company over a scandal which involved spying on employees.



      A former president of the German Central Bank, Ernst Welteke, also works in Russia. He became a member of the board of directors of the Russian „Centr-Invest” in 2005, after he left the German bank over corruption allegations.



      Another top German manager, Ron Sommer, has been heading the board of directors of Russia’s mobile provider MTS since 2009.

      Earlier, Sommer served as the head of the German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom between 1995 and 2002.

      MTS’ biggest shareholder is the conglomerate Sistema, which is owned by one the richest people in Russia, Vladimir Evtushenkov.

      The German also joined the board of directors of Sistema last year.


      Another top MTS official is Thomas Holtrop, formerly the head of the T-Online internet provider and a board member in Deutsche Telekom.


      In 2015, another German joined Sommer and Holtrop in MTS – Regina von Flemming, formerly CEO of the publishing giant Axel Springer.

      Von Flemming took up the post after the German company sold its assets in 2015, in order to comply with changes in Russian media law.

      She has also served as an advisor to Evtushenkov since 2016.


  2. Sluga cu cota parte la exportul hidrocarburilor și gazelor oligarhiei către EUROPA își reintra in rol…
    Candidat leit Alternativa f De…
    Și așa conversia spre electrice e întârziată și asta vrea și mai multă frana.

    • Pentru asta e platit, exact ca postacii de aici. Sau nu chiar exact… El se prostitueaza pe milioane, ei pe maruntis (Mondialu ia si bonuri).

      Germania se misca la viteza melcului, bine ca tin banii la ciorap si nu-si dau seama ce repede se misca lumea si cat de dependenti sunt de industria secolului trecut. Ca Arabia Saudita.

  3. ce za zica si danciloiu’ gazprom?

  4. relicva asta nemteasca nu are nepoti?ca altfel s-ar gandi ce lume le lasa mostenire…banuiesc ca nu ar vrea sa-i vada la 40 de ani cu masca de respirat pe fata doar ca el,ca imbecil,a preferat gazul si titeiul rusesc in loc de tehnologii nepoluante.
    mai este unul peste ocean care are impresia ca incalzirea climatica este un moft cu toate ca Alaska a avut cele mai mari temperaturi din ultimii 50 ani…o fi concidenta?in mintea lui de senil probabil ca da.
    imbecili care doar vor sa-si vanda marfa in dispretul a ceea ce va deveni Terra daca tot o poluam.

  5. UE sustine ecologia iar Trump a intors America la energia pe carbune.

  6. Pai poa’ sa zica nenea Schroeder orice. Lumea inteligenta a-nceput sa ceara cu insistenta masini electrice. Gigantii auto germani care se fac ca nu-nteleg risca falimentul – cu BMW in frunte, ca o tot lalaie cu trecerea la electric. Nu politicienii vorbareti de-a-n p(ix)ulea cumpara masinile, ci oamenii care s-au prins ca-i groasa cu clima. Si pe gat nu poti sa li le bagi.