G4Media is the most cited online publication, a MediaTrust survey finds / Digi 24 is the most cited media source in the country
A sociological survey conducted in February by MediaTrust shows that the G4media.ro website is the leader among the most cited online sources.
„In February, the G4media.ro was the leader among the most cited online sources, with 256 references. In second place, with a slightly lower 238 references, was stiripesurse.ro. The podium is closed by hotnews.ro, cited by other media sources in the country 172 times. The next place goes to ziare.com, cited in 163 journalistic materials in the Romanian media. The spynews.ro website recorded 129 mentions in the media, ranking 5th in the ranking”, says a press release issued by MediaTrust.
The analysis of the frequency of the most cited media sources was based on 6,157 items of press publications, TV and radio news broadcasts and website materials that appeared between February 1 and February 28, 2023, in the Romanian media.
In the latest TOP 10 of the most cited media sources in February, the largest share is held by TV: Digi 24, Antena 3 CNN, Digi Sport and Pro TV. Print and online media are equally represented in the top, each type of media being present with three newsrooms: Fanatik, Adevărul, Libertatea, respectively g4media.ro, stiripesurse.ro, hotnews.ro. At the same time, radio stations are not present in the TOP 10 Most quoted media sources.
The February overall ranking of the most quoted media sources in Romania is opened by Digi 24. According to MediaTRUST, the station was quoted 597 times by other journalists in the country.
In February, the channel’s most frequently picked-up stories were in the context of Ukraine’s dredging of the Bâstroe canal and news related to the series of earthquakes in Gorj county.
In second place was Antena 3 CNN with 548 references.
In terms of radio stations, Europa FM is the leader of the most quoted radio stations, with 61 references in other Romanian media headlines, followed by RFI with 32. The podium is closed by România Actualități, whose news was quoted 7 times by other newsrooms in the previous month.
The survey of the most quoted media sources in Romania provides information on the number of quotations of some media outlets (print, online, radio, TV), without including news agencies. The research was carried out between 01 February and 28 February 2023.
The report analyses articles in print and online media, as well as news broadcasts by radio and TV stations in which the names of media sources were mentioned. The report took into account those materials that refer to articles, news, commentaries and statements that appeared in different media, provided that they are not complete reprints from other media.
Established in 1999, part of the Institute of Media Monitoring (IMM) in Poland, mediaTRUST Romania.
Donează lunar pentru susținerea proiectului G4Media
Donează suma dorită pentru susținerea proiectului G4Media
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