G4Media.ro condemns the sanctioning of Realitatea TV on political grounds
G4Media.ro condemns the double standards, the manifestly disproportionate sanction in relation to alleged violations, and the behavior of National Audiovisual Council towards a TV station which is critical of the powers that be, in this case – Realitatea TV.
Freedom of expression is a fundamental right. At moments of utmost social tension, as the events of August 10th, 2018, proved to be, the limits of this freedom are much wider.
According to ECHR jurisprudence, if the aim is to find out the truth and to serve the public interest, criticism of power is accepted even in terms that contain some exaggerations.
Criticism of those in power in situations when the government uses force against peaceful demonstrators, and not just violent ones, justifies the public interest and can only be sanctioned on purely political grounds.
Other TV stations, which have seriously manipulated and misinformed the audience about the August 10th rally, have not even been questioned, which increases suspicions of political action against Realitatea TV.
G4Media.ro advocates respect for journalistic standards and distances itself from any abusive language, but notes a concerted actionably authorities against an institution they do not control, be it press, administrative or judicial institutions (see the request for sanctioning the three military prosecutors investigating the violence file of 10 August issued by the Judicial Inspection).
We draw attention to the fact that these autocratic tendencies are becoming more and more frequent and their effect is even worse as Romania holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union since 1 January, the power in Bucharest being under the magnifying glass of the international press.
Traducerea: Ruxandra Stoicescu
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