Government to approve on Saturday the costs for housing Ukrainian refugees: 50,000 spaces provided free of charge and 22 temporary camps
The government is expected to approve a decision on Saturday on the maximum amount of accommodation costs for Ukrainian citizens entering Romania following the armed conflict in their country, Agerpres reports.
The Executive will decide on the draft decision for the approval of the maximum amount of the costs of accommodation in other locations established by the county/municipal committees for emergency situations for foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations who come from the area of armed conflict in Ukraine and who do not apply for a form of protection under Law No 122/2006 on asylum in Romania, as well as for the allocation of an amount from the budgetary reserve fund available to the Government, provided for in the state budget for 2022, to supplement the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The draft resolution will be approved on the basis of a CNSU resolution adopted on Friday. The decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) proposes that the necessary amounts from the budgetary reserve fund available to the Government be allocated to the Ministry of the Interior for the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations to finance the expenses provided for in GEO 15/2022 on the granting of humanitarian support and assistance by the Romanian state to foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations from the area of armed conflict in Ukraine.
In determining the amounts allocated, it is proposed that account be taken, for a period of 30 days, of the expenditure necessary for:
* an average number of 70 000 persons accommodated daily, of which 50 000 in accommodation provided free of charge and 20 000 in accommodation provided at a charge;
*the operation of 22 temporary camps for accommodation and humanitarian assistance
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