How to steal a referendum: three methods
First, by amending the law. Specifically, by Government Emergency Decree 86/2018 amending the law on the organization and conduct of the referendum. The Decree entered into force on September 18, 2018 and will apply to this referendum.
Here is one of a long string of changes brought to the law:
Throughout the annexes no. 2-6, the phrase „The number of participants must be equal to the amount resulting from the addition of the figures in points 5, 6 and 7.” shall be replaced by ” 2> / = Point 5 + point 6 + point 7”.
Annexes 2-6 are models of minutes drafted in different polling places (at the polling station, at the constituency’s electoral bureau, at the central electoral bureau, etc.) and in which the voting results are registered.
In other words, when counting the votes in each section, it is no longer necessary for the number of participants to be „equal” to the votes at the end of the ballot box (yes, no or canceled), but must be „greater or equal „.
The change allows those in the sections, as long as they are willing to do so, to sign on the list, including people who do not vote, passing them as ballots; at the end it will not matter that the number of casted ballots is not equal with the presence on the list.
Why would anyone commit such fraud? Simply because in order to be valid the referendum must meet two conditions:
· The presence at the polls of at least 30% of the Romanians with the right to vote, ie about 5.5 million Romanians.
· The valid votes of 25% of the Romanians with the right to vote, that is to say, a total of 4.7 million votes.
In other words, if only 4.7 million people come and vote, but the list shows that there have been over 5.5 million, I cannot find the difference of the ballots, and the referendum is validated.
In addition, if there are too many “NO” votes, these bulletins can simply disappear. No one will ask why there are more people present than voted ballots on the list.
By the way, according to a news source, there is talk of between 5.5 and 5.7 million Romanians who can vote. No one yet knows the exact figure.
Second method: setting up more polling stations abroad.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes 377 polling stations abroad for Romanians living in the diaspora.
In 2016, for the parliamentary elections, there were 417 polling stations abroad.
In 2014, there were 294 polling stations abroad.
In other words, when it is in the interest of the SDP, many polling stations can be set up. Only when for the election of the president there were not enough polling stations, so that diaspora members, who were not Ponta supporters, would not be able to vote. It was the Diaspora vote that brought Johannis the victory, as it brought it to Basescu.
By the way: A foreign news site writes about the sources of funding for the Family Coalition: four US anti-LGBT groups. They have been working in Romania since 2015, they have sent addresses to the Romanian Constitutional Court and they provide not only money, but also the direction of the discourse through which Romanians are made to fear thefts of their children.
The Family Coalition leaders are part of extremist organizations and they are upset that they were denied a manifestation where they would perform Nazi salutes. There is about this information in the article, with all the names, visits to the country of anti-LGBT leaders abroad, and so on. When you go to the referendum, you know that they have manipulated you into going there.
The third method: false advertisements, manipulation and lie.This is what the people who want to change the law practice. I have already explained why children are not in any danger, not even in danger of being adopted, that homosexual marriages are forbidden anyway by the Civil Code, and family and marriage have exactly the value each of gives it, not a value given by a law or another.
If only they were so ardent in saving the children from hospital bacteria, family violence, alcoholic drivers on the road, and poverty that does not allow them to go to school, and so on.
Yesterday, I found a big poster right on the door of my block of flats. I have never seen electoral posters on the door of the block of flats’ door for all the 18 years since I have been living there. I have never seen such a mighty struggle to bring people to the polls!
What desperation they must feel! Foreigners have pumped a lot of money into this! and now they have to convert, one more country must adhere to their religious principles because all those millions of euros spent were not for nothing! How much hate for other people just because they have sexual preferences different from most!
Update 4 Oct: Moïse Guran shows many other methods for cheating at the referendum: security will be minimal; those who vote in a polling station other than where they are registered, will no longer give a statement to that effect thereby preventing multiple voting (the declaration could have been used against them to prove the offense), and electronic verification of the multiple vote is not performed. It is highly probable that on the night between Saturday and Sunday referendum irregularities will amount to highway robbery.
Traducerea: Ruxandra Stoicescu
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