Interior Minister Lucian Bode has requested the withdrawal of the book based on his doctoral thesis, after the finding of plagiarism, and the publisher has agreed – the chairman of the Babeș-Bolyai University Ethics Commission, who had requested the withdrawal..
Interior Minister Lucian Bode has asked for the withdrawal of the book based on his doctoral thesis, which the Ethics Commission of Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) found to include extensive plagiarism and to be „deeply flawed”, the chairman of the Ethics Commission, Dacian Dragoș, told Edupedu.ro on Thursday. He said that, according to the notice, the publisher said it would comply and the book is no longer in circulation or on sale.
Dacian Dragoș told Edupedu.ro: „We received a message from Minister Lucian Bode, saying that he asked the publisher to withdraw the book, and the publisher said it would do so and that the book is no longer in circulation or on sale”.
When it ruled for the second time in the Bode case on 11 January, the Ethics Committee repeated its request to Lucian Bode to „bring the thesis into line with academic ethics standards”. At the same time, it asked CA Publishing to withdraw the volume „Energy security and resource management at the beginning of the 21st century: Romania in the current European context”, published on the basis of the thesis, with the possibility of republication after correcting all the deviations found.
In the decision of 11 January, the Commission stated that if the withdrawal of the volume „Energy security and resource management at the beginning of the 21st century: Romania in the current European context” is not communicated to the UBB „within a period of 15 days calculated from the communication of this decision, the Commission will refer the matter to the National Council for Ethics in Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation for analysis of the aforementioned book. Please note that, unlike the ethics commissions, the CNECSDTI is not limited to sanctioning members of the academic and research community, having also the possibility to decide sanctions related to the book published on the basis of the thesis.”
Read the full article on Edupedu.ro (Romanian version)
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