
Iohannis: Government rotation will happen. There is no viable alternative to this…

Iohannis: Government rotation will happen. There is no viable alternative to this coalition / I will get involved for the smooth running of things / Complicated to reach early elections

President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday that government rotation will happen and said that there is no viable alternative to this coalition and that early parliamentary elections are complicated.

In the joint press conference with the German chancellor, the president answered a G4Media.ro question on whether he is considering the possibility that the PSD and PNL will not get along and will end up in early elections.

The head of state said that the politicians understood that the country must be governed by a government with solid support in Parliament, adding that he was satisfied with the way the executive led by Nicolae Ciucă governed.

„I don’t think anyone expected this coalition to work only with good things, it’s a complicated coalition, but they understood. The question is how to continue because in a few months or weeks the rotation should happen. That rotation is possible and it will happen. I don’t think there is a viable alternative to this coalition. At the same time, it will come with additional issues that will have to be negotiated. I will be involved for the smooth running of things,” Klaus Iohannis said.

„Complicated to have early elections, they are not provided for in the Constitution,” the president stressed.

„There will be elections, at the latest at the end of next year. Once again, I believe that the rotation will happen and this coalition will move forward. There are no reasons to worry, I don’t want to give examples from the immediate or distant neighborhood, but we will not have elections after elections, after elections,” President Iohannis added.


The president’s explanations come as the subject of early elections has been raised again in recent days by the leader of the extremist AUR party, George Simion, who wrote on Facebook on Sunday that „there is a 90% chance that early elections will be held on September 3rd”.

Antena 3 reported on Monday morning that the PNL and the PSD no longer agree on the governmental rotation and that they would have a strategy for early elections.

According to G4Media.ro sources, however, early elections are not supported at the top of the two big parties.

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor, leader of the UDMR, said on March 21st that if he were to decide on his own, he would opt for early elections because 2024 is a year of „stagnation” and a stable governing majority is needed.

„If I were the one to decide alone, I would do early elections this year. We all have to agree, those of us who form a majority, and then the president of the country has to agree because without him you can’t do early elections. And you have to explain it to the citizens first. Why would I make an early start if it were up to me? 2024 is an election year. It is very rare to have all the elections in one year – from May to November. This means, knowing what an election year means, that the central administration will, first of all, sit and wait to see what happens,” Kelemen Hunor told TVR Info, quoted by Agerpres.


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