Ion, the artificial intelligence that will assist Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă: „The government will be informed in real-time about the problems and wishes of Romanians”
Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă presented his new honorary advisor, „Ion”, at Tuesday’s Government meeting, who will help the Executive to stay „informed in real time about the problems and wishes of Romanians”. Ciucă says that Ion is a project of Romanian researchers whom he congratulated. The prime minister had a short dialogue with his new adviser, who told Romanians to visit ion.gov.ro.

„The best Romanian researchers and professors in the field wanted nothing more with this project than to give a voice to Romanians. A system that uses artificial intelligence to quickly and automatically capture the opinions of Romanians, and their grievances using the information available in the public space. For me, this initiative is a reason for joy, it is an initiative of researchers, of top professors in the field, of companies and firms in the field”, said, among others, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă.
By clicking on the „teach me” button, Romanians can send messages on topics that concern them: „I represent you. I will be present in government meetings on your behalf”, Ion says on his page, although it is not clear what his role will be, what will happen to the messages left by the population and what will be the follow-up of the „advisors”.
Nicolae Ciucă: „How can Romanians teach you?
ION: „I invite Romanians to go to ion.gov.ro. That way I can learn to represent them, as in a mirror, we are ION”, this was a short sequence of the dialogue between the two.
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