Minister of Defense: army to have two types of volunteers, reservists and active military personnel
National Defense Minister Vasile Dincu said on Thursday in Cluj that his ministry is to publish a draft law providing for two types of volunteering for military personnel, those who will be volunteers in the reserves and those who will do a voluntary military service.
„I am happy to launch during this period and in the future some offers to bring volunteers into the Romanian Army, in two variants, both volunteers in reserve and voluntary military service. This will be laid down in a law that we will publish very soon. We will try through this to renew, to bring young people into the army and I think that the military career will become more attractive”, explained Vasile Dîncu.
The Minister for National Defense attended the ceremony of handing over the command of the 4th Infantry Division „Gemina” in Cluj-Napoca on Thursday at the headquarters of the division and the ceremony of the retirement of Major-General Dorin Blaiu who was in command of the division.
Vasile Dîncu also participated, on Thursday, at „Avram Iancu” International Airport, in the international conference „Aviation-Event 2022 CLJ”, one of the most important European aviation events, held for the first time in Romania and in Eastern Europe.
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