
O companie chineză specializată în inteligență artificială cere Apple 1,4 miliarde de…

sursa foto: Pexels

O companie chineză specializată în inteligență artificială cere Apple 1,4 miliarde de dolari pentru că i-ar fi încălcat brevetele

Compania chineză specializată în inteligenţă artificială Shanghai Zhizhen Intelligent Network Technology, cunoscută şi sub numele de Xiao-i, a dat în judecată Apple, căreia îi cere 1,4 miliarde de dolari pentru că i-ar fi încălcat brevetele, relatează Reuters, citată de News.ro.

Pe lângă plata despăgubirilor, Xiao-i cere Apple ”să nu mai producă, utilizeze, promită să vândă, să vândă şi să importe” produse care îi încalcă brevetul, a anunţat compania chineză într-o postare pe o reţea de socializare.

În reclamaţia înregistrată la o instanţă locală chineză, Xiao-i afirmă că tehnologia de recunoaştere vocală Siri a Apple încalcă un brevet pentru care compania din China a depus cerere în 2004 şi l-a obţinut în 2009.

Apple a anunţat într-un comunicat că Siri nu conţine funcţii incluse în brevetul Xiao-i, care, potrivit producătorului de iPhone-uri, are legătură cu jocurile şi mesageria instant.

Compania americană a mai arătat că evaluatori independenţi certificaţi de Curtea Supremă Populară au conchis că Apple nu încalcă tehnologia Xiao-i Robot.

”Suntem dezamăgiţi că Xiao-i Robot a intentat un nou proces. Aşteptăm cu nerăbdare să prezentăm faptele în faţa curţii şi vom continua să ne concentrăm pe furnizarea celor mai bune produse şi servicii clienţilor noştri din întreaga lume”, arată comunicatul Apple.

Procesul marchează continuarea unui litigiu care are loc de aproape un deceniu.

Shanghai Zhizhen a dat prima oară în judecată Apple în 2012, în legătură cu tehnologia de recunoaştere a vocii. În luna iulie, Curtea Supremă Populară a Chinei a decis că brevetul este valid.

sursa foto: Pexels

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4 comentarii

  1. Astia sunt comici. Apple care nu a inventat mai nimic. Chinezii care vorbesc de drepturi de autor.

  2. asta chiar e hilar
    dupa ce au copiat tot ce se poate in lumea asta … acum hotul striga hotii

  3. Acesta pare sa fie patentul cu pricina:
    Ii are ca autori pe YUAN HUI si ZHU PINPIN (acum CEO Xiao-i), a fost aplicat in 2004 si aprobat in 2009, doar in China.
    Pare sa patenteze mai degraba o arhitectura sau schema bloc decat principiu de functionare, ma asteptam la un algoritm de compresie a vocii si un algoritm de cautare.
    Parerea mea este ca acest demers este 100% bluf pentru a induce falsa impresie ca sunt mai avansati tehnologic decat americanii.

  4. Copiez aici lista cu revendicarile patentului (sursa este link-ul de mai sus). Este amuzant faptul ca niste idei atat de generale chiar au fost patentate de chinezi.
    In acelasi mod se poate patenta si urmatoarea nava spatiala care poate calatori cu viteza luminii, fara sa fie descris principiul de functionare.

    1. One of the chat robot system, comprising at least: A user; and a chat robot, which robot having a chat with artificial intelligence and information services server and a database corresponding to an artificial intelligence function, the chat robot further has a communication module, or a short message by the IM user to a chat robot platform performs various types of dialog, characterized in, querying the chat robot further has a database and the game server and the corresponding server, and the chat robot is provided with a filter according to, having functions for a user of the communication module to receive the natural language sentence or phrase is a formatting, and in accordance with a discrimination result is forwarded to a corresponding server and the user statement, the corresponding server comprising an artificial intelligence server, the query server and the game server.

    2. The chat robot system according to claim 1, characterized in, user of the platform using a short message including user, which user of the platform using a short message in accordance with a communication protocol by China Mobile or China Unicom identified by the short message to the robot for each session.

    3. The chat robot system according to claim 1, characterized in, chat robot is provided with a dialog module and an inquiry module; one end commonly connected to the dialog module and the query module on the filter, the filter to receive the sorted sentences; corresponding to each of the other end is connected to the server; connected to the dialog module is an artificial intelligence server; query is a query server connected to the module.

    4. The chat robot system according to claim 1, characterized in, an artificial intelligence database server for the session corresponding to the database, the database of the data sources having three portions: a manual addition section, if the user during conversation teaching learning adding section adding section and a network.

    5. The chat robot system according to claim 4, characterized in, of the data source in the session database, using a self-learning mode, not only by the database process of performing a self-learning robot chat dialog with the user, via the Internet network to learn a manner that may also be, continuously expanded its own database information.

    6. The chat robot system according to claim 1, characterized in, querying the database for information corresponding to the database server, the database of the data sources having three portions: constructing an information base portion, a cooperating part of the professional service provider network and a content portion of the fine search.

    7. The chat robot system according to claim 6, characterized in, of the data source in the information database, a refined search functionality employs a, can be rapidly, accurately searching to the user’s desired information.

    8. The chat robot system according to claim 1, characterized in, database further comprises at least one subscriber database, basic information about the user is recorded in the database, accessing the record, a custom menu, the user-customized information, and to add a new user data information over time.

    9. Using a chat robot as claimed in any one of claim 1 to 8 with a robotic chat method according to, characterized in, including the following steps: on-line chat robot user is found, transmits a session statement by an instant messaging platform, an instant messaging platform to the session statement corresponding to the communication module to which it is transmitted to, and the communication module is transferred to the filter dialog sentence which, after it is determined by the filter corresponding to the sentence of the re-transmitted to the server, the corresponding server comprising an artificial intelligence server, the query server and the game server, the corresponding server in accordance with its corresponding database and forwarding the reply to the communication module sent to the user session.

    10. Method according to claim 9, characterized in, transmitting session information to the query server when the filter, the query server has a priority level to access the order information database: query server to search the information database constructing an information base of the first portion, if there is no corresponding data is found, in cooperation with the professional content library of re-access to the service provider part thereof, is not found or if the corresponding data, a refined search of the information base by using the last portion of the network.

    11. Method according to claim 9, characterized in, dialog sentence in the data flow comprises the following steps: on-line chat robot user to find, by an instant messaging platform transmits a session statement; chat session from the communication module receives the communication module of the robot is transferred to the filter statement; filter determining whether the statement is a statement format command; if so, sending a query module, connected to the query server and the corresponding information database, and forwarding the communication module sends the results back to the user obtained; if not, sending a session module, the formatting command statement is converted to first attempt to, when the conversion is successful, back to the filter, if not, sending the dialog system, connected to the artificial intelligence server and the corresponding session database, a reply sentence is acquired after rotating the communication module transmits to the user.