ONLINE DEBATE, January 18/ From Plate to Purpose: become a changemaker against food waste
Food waste is one of the biggest economic, social and environmental issues of our century, all over the world. We, as European citizens, are part of it every day. G4Media.ro, one of the top independent news portals in Romania is organizing on January 18 the event
From Plate to Purpose: become a changemaker against food waste
It will take place from 15.00 to 16.30 CET, online (16:00 Bucharest time). The event will be held in English.
- Representatives of European and Romanian institutions (TBC)
- Maria ANGHEL, Ministry of Agriculture, Romania
- Felician CARDOȘ, Environmental Manager, Carrefour Romania
- Kirill PEREPELICA, co-founder of Munch.hu
- Simon SUITNER, founder, Association SOMARO
- MODERATOR OF THE EVENT: Codruț NICOLAU, sustainability trainer, founder Sustain Future
- (other updates to follow)
The G4Media international online workshop is reuniting all the actors with the common question: what can each of us actually do in order to combat this phenomenon? Representatives of European institutions, Romanian institutions officials, experts, entrepreneurs and corporate representatives are invited to debate and to point out solutions.
In order to participate in the online debate on Zoom you need to fill in the REGISTRATION FORM:
The debate is part of the project „The right to a clean environment for a sustainable future. Increasing citizens’ involvement in achieving EU climate targets”, in short, Green Rights, a project supported by the Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) with delegated tasks from the European Commission. G4Media is a partner in a consortium led by the Romanian Centre for European Policies (CRPE), the other partners being Amapola Progetti (Italy), University of Turin (Italy), Clean Air Action Group (Hungary).
European citizens’ support for action to combat climate change and minimise its effects is growing, as the EU puts on the table its most ambitious plan yet to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Support from citizens is crucial to implement the 2030 and 2050 targets, but it depends significantly from one Member State to another.
Eastern countries face many challenges, under-represented groups remain disengaged from public discussion or civic action, while the involvement of women, youth, minorities, or the elderly in environmental decision-making remains limited. Russia’s war against Ukraine has put further pressure on the EU’s climate ambitions.
The project targets three Member States (Romania, Italy and Hungary) where citizen awareness and participation in environmental issues is below the European average, and where innovation in environmental protection is limited.
These countries are heavily affected by pollution and serious climate events. The project targets residents in urban areas, as cities are responsible for more than two thirds of greenhouse gas emissions (upward trend) and face similar challenges.
We map the climate challenges and ambitions of urban communities in the three countries, involve public administration and other relevant local actors (NGOs, civic groups, etc.) in debates, raise citizens’ awareness and their involvement and impact in local public decision-making.
Food Waste current situation
Nearly 59 million tonnes of food (131 kg/inhabitant) are wasted in the EU each year with estimated market value of €132 billion, as the European Commision data show. Over half of food waste (53%) is generated by households, followed by the processing and manufacturing sector (20%). Fighting food waste is a triple win, as highlighted by the EC: it saves food for human consumption and thereby contributes to food security, it helps companies and consumers to save money, and it lowers the environmental impact of food production and consumption.
The Commission proposes that, by 2030, Member States reduce food waste by 10%, in processing and manufacturing, and by 30% (per capita), jointly at retail and consumption (restaurants, food services and households).
Food waste has a huge environmental impact, accounting for about 16% of the total Greenhouse Gas emissions from the EU food system.
Also mentioned in official research, all actors in the food chain have a role to play in preventing and reducing food waste, from those who produce and process foods (farmers, food manufacturers and processors) to those who make foods available for consumption (hospitality sector, retailers) and ultimately consumers themselves.
Material publicat în cadrul proiectului „Dreptul la mediu curat, pentru un viitor durabil. Creșterea implicării cetățenilor în atingerea țintelor climatice ale UE (Green rights for a sustainable future: Enhancing citizens’ involvement in EU’s climate ambitions – „Green-Rights”), susținut de Agenția Executivă pentru Educație și Cultură (EACEA) cu atribuții delegate de Comisia Europeană.
Detalii despre proiect, AICI.
Finanțat de Uniunea Europeană. Punctele de vedere și opiniile exprimate sunt însă ale autorilor și nu le reflectă în mod necesar pe cele ale Uniunii Europene sau ale Agenției Executive Europene pentru Educație și Cultură. Nici Uniunea Europeană și nici autoritatea finanțatoare nu pot fi considerate responsabile pentru acestea.
Donează lunar pentru susținerea proiectului G4Media
Donează suma dorită pentru susținerea proiectului G4Media
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