
POLL commissioned by G4Media: In which parties do you think Russia has…

POLL commissioned by G4Media: In which parties do you think Russia has the most agents? 48% think in all parties, but most in at AUR 12%, PSD 8%, PNL 6%, USR 2%

45% of Romanians believe that Russia has agents of influence in the Romanian political establishment, only 10% say they don’t believe it, and 40% said that they don’t know or didn’t want to answer the question. Of the total 45% who answered in the affirmative, 48% believe that Russia has agents infiltrated in all political parties, but in the order of ranking by party, most believe that the AUR has the most Russian agents (12%), followed by the PSD with 8%, the PNL 6%, and the USR 2%, according to a survey conducted by Avangarde commissioned by G4Media.

To the question „Should Romania receive refugees from Ukraine, where there is a large Romanian community?”, 61% answered „yes”, 19% answered „no”, and the remainder did not know or did not answer.

More than 60% of those surveyed assess Romania’s logistical and financial readiness to receive tens of thousands of refugees if Russia invades Ukraine, as weak or very weak; only 15% think it is adequate.

50% of those interviewed think that Romanians would fight if Romania were attacked, 20% think they would not, and the rest cannot estimate or did not answer.

When asked what they would personally do in the event of war, only 31% say that they would fight, 18% say that they would flee to other countries, and the rest cannot estimate or did not answer.

When asked „as far as you know from talking to friends and relatives, are they more likely to consider leaving the country in the event of war, or are they willing to remain?”, 20% answered „leave”, 44% answered ” remain” and the rest could not estimate or did not answer.

„From your point of view, is Romania a safer country with the increase of American and French troops?” To this question, 63% answered „yes”, and only 12% answered „no”.

32% of Romanians think that Ukraine should join NATO, 28% think that it should not, and the rest do not know or did not answer.

Most Romanians, 37%, believe that the announcement of troop withdrawal is just a tactic and that Russia will attack Ukraine at some point. 17% believe Russia is withdrawing its troops under pressure from the West, while 21% believe it never intended to attack, only to put pressure on the West.

NOTE: The Avangarde survey was conducted on behalf of G4Media.ro between 20-21 February using telephone interviews on a sample of 700 individuals, and it has a margin of error of 3.9%.

Article translated from Romanian by Ovidiu H. Original article

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  1. Dăncilà era agentul 3,14.
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