President Iohannis announced two strategic decisions for Romania: increasing defense spending to 2.5% of GDP and ensuring energy independence through the development of renewable and nuclear energy
President Klaus Iohannis announced on Tuesday, after the Supreme Council of National Defence (CSAT) meeting, two strategic decisions for Romania: increasing defense spending to 2.5% of GDP and ensuring energy independence through the development of renewable and nuclear energy.
President Iohannis said that after the Supreme Council of National Defense has taken the two strategic decisions, the political decisions and then their operationalization will follow.
The full statement of President Iohannis:
We are all outraged by Russia’s brutal attack on a sovereign and independent state and cannot accept that the map of Europe should be redrawn by violence. We deplore the loss of life caused by a senseless military conflict that was unthinkable just a few days ago.
But one thing is clear: whatever the outcome of the military action, there is already a winner – the Ukrainian people, who have become the symbol of the struggle for freedom, the symbol of resistance against an invader. The heroism and courage of Ukrainians inspires and compels.
The Russian aggression has generated an unprecedented reaction of unity and solidarity from the entire democratic world, it has shown the cohesion and capacity of the NATO members to react together, to stand firm against an aggressor that risks destabilizing the global security climate. At the same time, the European Union is showing once again that it is one big family, that together we are stronger and that we can find solutions even in the darkest moments.
Romania’s membership in these two structures, the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union, coupled with the very strong Strategic Partnership with the United States of America, is undoubtedly our greatest gain in the last 30 years. Our country has been substantially involved – and remains – in all decisions that have been taken at the Allied level in recent days and is constantly working to provide support to Ukraine and its citizens seeking refuge in our country.
I thank all Romanians who support the consistent efforts of the central and local authorities to manage the situation of refugees entering Romania.
Today we decided in the CSAT on a series of measures as follows:
First, we decided to intensify bilateral and allied efforts to significantly strengthen the deterrence and defense posture on the Eastern Flank in the immediate period ahead, through the deployment of allied forces and the accelerated establishment of the Romanian Battle Group.
In the general context of the effects of the regional security situation, there is a need for multidimensional support for Moldova, which is facing an increasing wave of refugees and possibly other difficulties. In this regard, we decided at the CSAT meeting on a series of support measures.
As regards Romania’s contribution to the international community’s effort to support Ukraine, we decided today to set up a logistical facility in our country, a so-called hub, a center, to collect and transport international humanitarian aid donations to Ukraine and to Ukrainians.
At the same time, we decided to intensify measures to help refugees from Ukraine and to manage in an integrated way a massive influx of people entering our country.
Beyond the concrete decisions taken today, I believe that the present crisis shows that, from a strategic point of view, further reinforced actions by Romania are needed on at least two dimensions. I have thus defined two strategic objectives:
Firstly, to increase the defense capacity of the Romanian state. In this regard, I believe that the percentage of GDP allocated to defense spending should be increased from the current 2% to 2.5%.
Secondly, Romania’s energy independence must be achieved, mainly through the development of renewable and civil nuclear energy.
Of course, in order to achieve these strategic objectives, political decisions will be needed and concrete action plans must be implemented at the level of the responsible institutions.
Edited for English by Ovidiu H.
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