President Iohannis spoke on the phone with Zelenski and called on him to ensure the rights of the Romanian minority. „The new law on national minorities has created concern and discontent among Romanian authorities”
President Klaus Iohannis had a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski on Wednesday, to whom he told that „the new law on national minorities has created concern and dissatisfaction among the Romanian authorities” and asked him to resolve the situation, according to a press release from the Presidential Administration.
Iohannis and Zelenski agreed that the foreign ministers of Romania and Ukraine should meet and seek solutions to guarantee the rights of the Romanian minority in Ukraine.
„President Zelenski expressed his full openness to identify solutions so that the Romanian community in Ukraine can benefit, in mirror image, from the same rights enjoyed by the Ukrainian community in Romania,” the statement said.
The two presidents also discussed Romania’s aid after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Iohannis said Romania would help Ukraine „as long as it is needed”.
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