PSD senators withdrew their signatures from the legislative initiative on associations / Only liberals still sign the bill considered by civil society a threat to the functioning of NGOs
PSD senators withdrew their signatures from the legislative initiative on associations so that currently only PNL MPs still sign the bill considered by civil society a threat to the functioning of NGOs.
The Senate plenary referred the legislative initiative on associations back to the Legal Affairs Committee last week for a supplementary report, but the deadline for tacit adoption in the Senate will soon expire. The draft will then go to the Chamber of Deputies for a deciding vote.
A raft of bills promoted in recent months mainly by the PNL restricts the work of non-governmental organizations, limits the organization of protests, and discourages the reporting of corruption in the media, civil society has charged.
The bills were initiated either by the government or by Liberal MPs, led by Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă. The whistleblower bill has already become law, while the others are at various stages of the legislative process.
Although civil society has appealed to President Klaus Iohannis to get involved to prevent the adoption of laws reminiscent of the „Dragnea era”, the head of state has so far not responded in any way to such calls.
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