Rogozin threatens Romania, Bulgaria and Montenegro with Sarmat ballistic missiles
The head of Russia’s Roscomos space agency, Dmitry Rogozin – a regular in belligerent tweets – threatened Romania, Bulgaria and Montenegro with Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, which can carry nuclear warheads, after countries around Serbia closed their airspace to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who had to cancel his visit to the Balkan state.
„What is good about the „Sarmat”? It will not ask the cowardly Bulgarians, vindictive Romanians, and Montenegrins, who betrayed our common history, for permission to fly over. Neither would the Swedes.” he tweeted.
Sergei Lavrov’s visit to Belgrade, scheduled for 6-7 June, was canceled after Serbia’s neighbors refused to allow his plane to enter their airspace.
The RS-28 Sarmat, known in NATO terminology as „Satan 2”, is considered Russia’s most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile.
Russia conducted the first test of its next-generation Sarmat missile at the Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia at the end of April.
The Sarmat has a range of 18,000 kilometers and can carry nuclear warheads. It would allow Russia to hit targets around the world, launching attacks either through the North or the South Pole.
The first Sarmat missiles are to be deployed in the Krasnoyarsk region. President Vladimir Putin used the April missile launch to issue threats against the West over the war in Ukraine.
The missile could overcome all types of defenses and would make nations „think twice” when threatening Russia, Putin said at the time.
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