Romania TV News Channel apologizes for inviting Marina Tauber, the main organizer of the protests that Maia Sandu said were orchestrated by Russia / „We assure all interested entities that such situations will not be repeated”
Romania TV, the television channel founded by runaway convict Sebastian Ghiță, has released a statement apologizing for inviting Marina Tauber, the vice-president of the pro-Russian party in Moldova of fugitive mogul Ilan Șor, on Victor Ciutacu’s show.
Romania TV said in the statement published on the station’s website that „it has not been and will not be a platform where Putinist ideas can be exposed, it does not share anti-democratic and destabilizing ideas, and in the future, much stricter criteria will be applied in the selection of guests and in terms of moderators’ tolerance of certain guests and their ideas”.
„Expressing once again our regret for this occurrence, we assure all interested entities that such situations will not be repeated,” RTV said in a statement.
Background. Romania TV, the television channel founded by fugitive Sebastian Ghiță, gave a platform on Tuesday evening for over an hour to Marine Tauber, the vice president of the pro-Russian party of runaway mogul Ilan Shor. Tauber was a guest on Victor Ciutacu’s show on the day she organized a new protest against the pro-Western leadership of Moldova, in which several participants tried to break into government buildings.
Marina Tauber is vice president and deputy of the Șor party. She is on trial in the case concerning the theft of €1 billion from Moldovan banks. She was remanded in custody during the investigation. Her boss, Ilan Șor, is Russia’s main pawn in Moldova. In 2017, Șor was sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison at first instance in the case of the theft of the billion euros. The appeal is still being heard. In the meantime, Șor has fled the country.
Marina Tauber presented the Russian propaganda narratives in her interventions on RTV: Maia Sandu wants to drag Moldova into war, Maia Sandu is destroying the economy and the living standards of the population, the Republic of Moldova must stay away from any alliance.
No representative of the Chisinau authorities was present in the RTV broadcast to ofer a point of view.
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