Romanian presidential hopeful Călin Georgescu draws on the Unabomber’s manifesto in his critique of modern society
Călin Georgescu, a candidate for the Romanian presidency, outlines a controversial vision of modern society, technology, and globalization in his book Marea Renaștere (The Great Renaissance). What stands out, however, is his reference to Ted Kaczynski—known as the Unabomber—as a source of inspiration for critiquing industrial society.
Kaczynski, a former mathematics professor turned terrorist, became infamous not only for his violent attacks but also for his philosophical manifesto condemning industrialization and technology.
In Marea Renaștere, Georgescu directly cites ideas from the Unabomber’s manifesto, describing corporate technologies as a force that subjugates individuals and destroys natural human connections. Although Georgescu does not promote violence, his alignment with the ideas of a terrorist who employed brutal tactics to convey his message raises questions about his political vision.
Who was Ted Kaczynski?
Between 1978 and 1995, Ted Kaczynski waged a campaign of terror in the United States, sending 16 homemade bombs to various targets, including universities, airlines, and individuals promoting technology. His attacks killed three people and severely injured 23 others. Kaczynski became one of the most sought-after criminals in FBI history, with his capture involving one of the agency’s most complex and expensive investigations of the time.
Kaczynski was arrested in 1996 in his remote Montana cabin, where he lived without electricity or modern conveniences, embodying the anti-technological lifestyle he preached. The FBI identified him thanks to his manifesto, titled Industrial Society and Its Future, which he sent to newspapers including The New York Times and The Washington Post, demanding its full publication. The manifesto’s publication allowed his brother to recognize his writing style and report him to authorities, leading to his capture through innovative linguistic profiling by the FBI.
The influence of Kaczynski on Călin Georgescu
In The Great Renaissance, Georgescu adopts many of the central themes from Kaczynski’s manifesto. He criticizes the „hyper-complexity” of modern society, describing it as a „malignant proliferation” threatening humanity’s natural balance. Like Kaczynski, Georgescu differentiates between small, local-use technologies and large-scale industrial technologies, which he views as incompatible with human freedom and autonomy.
What does this connection mean for Romania?
Călin Georgescu’s candidacy has drawn attention not only for his nationalist and sovereigntist rhetoric but also for his harsh critique of modernity. While many Romanians may resonate with his anti-globalization messages or his call for a return to traditional values, his ideological association with a figure like Ted Kaczynski risks alienating voters.
Critics argue that such philosophical influences cast doubt on Georgescu’s ability to lead a modern country. Romania, as a member of the European Union committed to modernization and global integration, seems at odds with Georgescu’s anti-technological and anti-globalist vision.
A warning for voters
Ted Kaczynski remains infamous not only as a terrorist but also as an extreme example of rejecting progress. His ideas have been criticized for their violence as well as their utopian and disconnected approach to the realities of an interconnected world.
By incorporating ideas from the Unabomber’s manifesto, Călin Georgescu positions himself in a way that may attract some supporters but alienate moderate voters. In a society looking toward the future, the question arises: does this vision reflect the aspirations of Romanians, or does it represent a step backward in the face of progress?
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