Romania’s Covid-19 cases climb faster as country reports first six cases within 24 hours
Six people have died due to the Romania by Monday afternoon, a day since the first death was announced. The evolution comes as the number of cases reported in the country is increasing faster, reaching a total of 575 by noon today.
A record number of 143 new cases of coronavirus infections were confirmed on Monday. That is more than double the numbers recorded only two days ago, when authorities announced supplementary restrictions on people movement. It’s more than double even compared to Sunday, when 66 new cases – and the first deaths – were announced.
The first case of death linked to the coronavirus announced on Sunday was of a man who also suffered of cancer and who had returned to Romania from France on March 6. Two other cases – both elderly people of over 70 – were also announced yesterday.
Two more deaths – elderly people as well – caused by coronavirus infections were announced by Monday afternoon. A sixth came later during the day.
This record comes as G4media.ro revealed today that hundred of thousands of public officers still have to go to their offices despite the state is urging people to stay at home and stick to social distancing procedures, while a trade union representative was quoted as saying that 90% of them should be able to work from home.
The country reportedly has as few as 8,612 coronavirus tests in total.
And worries are increasing as it was reported that over 46,000 Romanians have returned to the country through Hungary from the hard-hit Western European countries since March 18.
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