
Russian researcher claiming Dacians were of Slavic descent banned from Romania /…

Russian researcher claiming Dacians were of Slavic descent banned from Romania / He prepared to hold conference denying link between Romanian, Latin languages

Romanian authorities have denied Russian researcher A.I. Umnov-Denisov’s entrance in Romania when he came to the country to hold a conference about what he calls the Slavic origin of the Dacian people – the tribes known as the precedessors of the Romanian people.

He was sent back to Russia from the Bucharest International Airport Henry Coandă, the Russian Embassy announced in a Facebook post on Tuesday, The Russian researchers had come to Romania to present his pan-Slavic theses that claim that the Romanian language is not linked in any way to Latin, as it is commonly known and accepted.

The Russian official propaganda ocnstantly uses such theses in attempts to weaken links between Romania and the West.

Umnov-Denisov was about to hold a lecture on Dacian Tribes – who they are and where they are from, at the Russian Center of Science and Culture which had opened in Bucharest following a deal between Russia and Romania in 2013, when the PSD-led Victor Ponta government was in office.

The Russian researchers were also about to hold letures at the Vasile Parvan archeology institute in Bucharest and the Andrei Saguna University in the Black Sea city of Constanta, according to the Russian Embassy message.
Umnov-Denisov’s theses are already promoted in Romania by various websites which push Russian anti-Western propaganda.

Traducerea: Costin Ionescu

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6 comentarii

  1. Ar trebui să menționați faptul că moderatorul prelegerilor urma să fie Constantin Bălăceanu Stolnici, fost informator de prestigiu al Securității

  2. The Romanian language is not only linked to other Romance languages. It is a Romance language.
    Dacians cannot descend Slavs since Dacians preceed Slavs, and Dacians were genetically closer to the center of the body of Europeans, due to their geography.

    Russian propaganda is no less idiotic than Nazi propaganda and Communist propaganda.
    In their logic, everything was discovered or invented by Russians, or at least slavic in general. These guys need to be banned indefinetely because they just create diversions and manipulations that distract from what really deserves attention of Romanian people and the West in general.

  3. Să le explice cineva rușilor că ei sunt slavi doar lingvistic, în realitate ei sunt din același aluat ca și secuii. De nenumărate ori mordvinii și muscalii (fino-ugrici) au exterminat așezările varanghienilor (vikingi/suedezi) , chiar și în timpul ocupației, țăranii muscali vorbitori de bulgară-veche au distrus și ars sate ale țăranilor slavi. Dacă nu ar fi fost creștinați pe filiera Constantinopol Târnovo Kiev, acum limba rusă ar fi fost o limbă fino-ugrică.
    Propaganda rusească nu vede nici faptul istoric că dacii au fost distruși cu mult înainte de apariția slavilor pe Vistula.

  4. Oh, wait, this not censorship somehow?