
EXCLUSIVE Simona, 24-year-old, recently diagnosed with Covid-19: “Let God enlighten your mind”…

EXCLUSIVE Simona, 24-year-old, recently diagnosed with Covid-19: “Let God enlighten your mind” they said, “the virus does not exist”. For me, the worst is not the pandemic itself, but the negation of it

When Simona shared her story on Internet a month ago, she wanted it to be anonymous. Today, she decided to speak openly about it because, she says, people don’t believe a faceless story.

Her name is Simona Chitoroaga and she is a social media specialist and copywriter from the Republic of Moldova. After she met with a friend of hers who was, without knowing it, an asymptomatic Covid-19 carrier, she contracted the virus.

She agreed to talk to G4Media.RO about the experience she went through.

Rep: How did it make you feel when you were tested positive for Covid-19?

Simona: I could simply not believe it! I was the one respecting all the sanitary measures. The only times when I went outside it was to go to the supermarket and when I did so, I always wore a mask and kept a one-meter distance with strangers. I was really careful, maybe too much to be honest. For instance, I used to wash my hands so much that they looked like those of a 50-year-old woman.

Foto: Simona Chitoroaga

Even so I contracted the coronavirus disease. It was on June 6, when a friend of mine, who was an asymptomatic Covid-19 carrier, visited me. Then, the first symptoms appeared 36 hours later during the night of 7-8 June with a dry cough, fever and fatigue. From there I was sure I had Covid-19. But surprisingly the symptoms mostly disappeared after 2 days so I told myself I was just paranoid. On July 10 the results finally came back positive.

With distance and hindsight, I feel lucky that it was only a mild case, but it was not necessarily easy. Since June 7, I had already isolated myself for prevention and when I was tested positive for coronavirus, I had to quarantine myself until a new test showed I was cured. But then, as provided by the State, I still had to isolate myself for 2 weeks more, again
… until yesterday. In total, my quarantine lasted 1 month and a half, almost 45 days, enough to get crazy. Yet, even if I don’t have the virus anymore, I feel that my body has changed. I have now a very different appetite, I sleep more, like I used to sleep 5-7 hours a night, now I often catch myself sleeping 14 hours.

Rep: How have you experienced the medical monitoring since early June?

Simona: You know, for me the worst experience with the virus was not the virus itself but feeling helpless. If the first doctor I saw was extra careful, she eventually went on vacation so someone replaced her. From that point the experience became terrible. When you just know you have a deadly virus you need to be reassured, to be told “all will be fine” but the doctor was cold. Point. So you just start panicking and get more afraid. He did not care about me, he did not know neither my name nor my medical problems. I think he was already busy enough with his own patients so he did not have time to explain me anything. Besides, the several doctors I saw in that period disagreed on the pills to take. I understand that every doctor has his own opinion, but you feel all the more helpless when you don’t know who to trust.

Rep: What are the reasons why you decided not to be anonymous anymore?

Simona: When I knew I was sick, I first felt ashamed as if it was my fault. Then, I also felt quite alone because I did not see many Covid-19 infected sharing their experience. So just a week after the symptoms appeared, I started to talk anonymously about my story on a blog called Blogul lui Eugen because I felt the need to. I wanted to emphasize the fact that nobody should be ashamed of that disease as long as they did not take any risks. They, We, are not responsible for being or having been infected.

But quickly, I saw answers of people telling that my story was faked and asking me if I was paid to speak about the Covid-19. They did not believe my story because it was faceless. Because it was nameless. So I decided to speak openly about it. One of the most symbolic comments for me, as an atheist, was “let god enlighten your mind because it does not exist”. I even thought that it was a joke before other people followed suit. But to be honest, I can understand them. Here in Moldova, the State and the media only point out numbers and remind us to wash our hands but we actually don’t know anything else about the virus.

Since I started talking about it, I have also discovered that the “community” of Covid-19 patients is broader than I thought before. Many people told me that they prefer to hide themselves since they fear to be discriminated in their professional career or in their social life. Even one of my friend told me that “we will never meet each other like we used to do before”.

Yet, we should not be afraid of speaking about it. I think there is a real social stigma with this virus.

*Note: Antoine Dewaest is working as an intern for G4Media.ro, enhancing the understanding of the Romanian society. He is studying at Sciences Po Rennes, France.

Foto: Simona Chitoroaga / Sursa: G4Media.ro

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14 comentarii

  1. Indeed.

  2. Covid exists and so does hundreds of others diseases that are ignored this year.
    Well, what is better or worst? Not dying of covid but dying of malnutrition?

  3. Ar fi mai bine sa angajati redactorasi gazetarasi care sa stapaneasca limba engleza.

    ‘they prefer to hide their selves’ == in engleza, corect ar fi asa: ‘they prefer to hide themselves’


    Va dau skip

    • Ametito, pai astea nu sunt cuvintele reporterului, ci ale moldovencei,ea are engleza de balta.Asa ca da skip,chiar te rog,ar fi un mare castig pt. acest site.

    • După nick iți dai seama că-i un wanker opărit.

    • Draga Dane, cuvintele nu sunt ale mele mot-a-mot, interview-ul a durat mai mult de o ora si intervievatorul a facut un rezumat. „Latte Mafia” are dreptate, e scris gresit.
      + Daca, cumva sursa care da interview-ul scrie/zice ceva gresit, redactia trebuie sa corecteze. Asa ca, te rog mult, Draga Dane, sa lasi moldoveanca in pace si sa nu o ataci pe „Latte Mafia”.

  4. „For me, the worst is not the pandemic itself, but the negation of it”. We all know the pandemic is not a big deal, and that the biggest problems are the cognitive dissonances* it reveals. Thank you for confirming.

    * „De ce eu port masca si Gigel nu? Ce, eu sunt mai prost?” – Daca trebuie sa intrebi, oricine poate sa iti dea raspunsul.

  5. Such a cheap way of advertising bullshit far left propaganda and some advertising for a random chick from Moldavia. How much of this crap we have to read? So what if she got the kung flu virus? In 2 days she was fine she said it herself.

  6. Yet another random girl who gets publicity through this platform. Her story is not even unique or interesting, it does not provide any conclusions or useful lessons learned, and the presumed goal of the article of “converting the COVID-19 non-believers in believers” is wrongly pursued, as by now only the irrelevant, stupid people believe that COVID-19 does not exist, given the solid scientific data and the many existing real cases.
    This rebel category can be convinced only when they will visit the hospitals to see the infected people or when they will get infected.
    So what’s the purpose of presenting the random COVID-19 experience of a girl thirsty of fame?
    Why not the story of the other thousands of cases that have more substance and impact?
    Why not occupy the publishing space with the findings of the many independent scientific research studies and their proposed protocols (we have even Romanian ladies who made such efforts and conducted revolutionary R&D studies using their own money!), why not promote the true valuable people and the pragmatic and implementable solutions and approaches they propose, not just useless and subjective opinions of various narcissistic individuals who, instead of bringing much-needed clarity, pile on yet more bamboozling mambo jumbo dance with expired ideas and boring banalities to flummox and confound. Mai cautati.

    • I agree with every single word you said, but no one (in their right minds, at least), ever, would come to someone and be like „You know what, I want to give an interview on how I had a mild case of COVID-19! Not the publicity one really seeks for. So, instead of hating and making one feel bad about talking about this at all, give your opinion without putting shame on anybody.

  7. De ce, pentru cine este tradus acest material în engleză? Presa străină nu publică isterii dintr-astea, ca presa română. Ați simțit că este o nișă?😀

    • Scrie la sfârșitul articolului. Autorul nu e român, e în internship pe acest site. Adică acum învață, nu e ca tine care ai făcut totul perfect din prima.

  8. Thank you for sharing your story, Simona Chitoroaga! I have read this text to my parents and they have appreciated you explain symptoms in a humane way that is easy to understand.

    Thank you for this article, Antoine Dewaest. I have read your other articles and there is a steady and continuous improvement in your writing, so keep up the good work. We were all beginners at some point. Don’t worry about not being perfect from the start.

    To other readers: be kind to other people who try to help. Maybe this article is not helping you much, but the same applies to other articles. I’m sure you’re not expecting all articles to have the same target audience or that you are always part of that target audience. I’m also sure you have already encountered texts that were not tailored to news only. Should you want to read news-only websites, try the press agencies. Should you want to read science-only articles, try Nature.