Ska Keller, after discussions with Viorica Dăncilă: She said that the protesters supposedly were sent by abroad and were on drugs
”She said that the protesters supposedly were sent by abroad and were on drugs. Ms Kövesi was fired by the president, according to her. We don’t share that view”, says Ska Keller, co-president of the European Greens group in a short interview for, after a meeting with the Romanian Prime Minister, Viorica Dăncilă. The European Greens group has recently requested a debate in the European Parliament concerning the state of the rule of law in Romania.
Rep: Did you receive credible answers and explanations to your concerns regarding the rule of law and the situation of democracy in Romania?
Ska Keller: We had a friendly meeting with the Prime Minister. She explained the government’s position on the judiciary reform and the protests of August 10th. The government’s position is that all is being handled well and without problems. She said that the protesters supposedly were sent by abroad and were on drugs. Ms Kövesi was fired by the president, according to her. We don’t share that view. I have raised our concerns regarding the judiciary reform that will bring a serious blow to the fight against corruption as well as about the police violence against peaceful protesters. From our point of view, the developments in Romania are dangerous because they would make it very difficult to sanction corruption. Corruption, however, undermines the very fabric of a society and the trust into the institutions. This is why we bring the issue to the European Parliament. Romanian citizens are European citizens and deserve the same rights and good governments.
Rep: What did you tell her about the justice in Romania, about the 10th august protest and about same sex marriage referendum, if you discussed this issues during the meeting?
Ska Keller: I have told her that we count on an independent investigation and that the protesters should be heard. I have raised concerns about the referendum on the definition of what is a family, because it has the potential to divide society and discriminate people. The prime minister didn’t comment on the referendum.
Rep: What was Viorica Dancila’s approach?
Ska Keller: The prime minister insisted that all is going well in Romania
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