Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă Set to Resign as Coalition Negotiations Intensify: Ciolacu’s Proposals angers UDMR coalition party
PSD President Marcel Ciolacu said on Sunday, after the meeting with social democrats, that the PSD wants the UDMR to stay in government and that he will go to the meeting on Sunday evening, with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă and leader Kelemen Hunor, with the proposal that the UDMR should take the ministries of Energy and European Funds.
In his turn, Kelemen Hunor, leader of the UDMR, said on Sunday, as he left a meeting with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă and PSD President Marcel Ciolacu, that he had a mandate from the UDMR not to accept the loss of the Ministry of Development, but noted that the union „did not leave the negotiating table”.
Initial News
Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă is expected to resign on Monday, according to G4Media sources in the PNL, if the education unions agree to the offer proposed on Sunday and announce the end of the general strike.
Under these conditions, the ” rotation „, the whole procedural mechanism by which the change of prime ministers and an important part of the ministers will take place, will begin. The appointment of the new government should take place by the end of next week, say political sources quoted by G4Media.
A Coalition meeting is due to take place on Sunday to decide on the new governing formula, the ministers who will be part of the Ciolacu government, and whether or not the UDMR will be part of the future executive.
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