SOURCES: USR, PMP, and Forța Dreptei have struck a deal and are launching the Polul de Dreapta, an alliance for the 2024 elections
The leaderships of the USR, PMP, and Forța Dreptei parties approved on Thursday the formation of the Polul de Dreapta (the right-wing pole) following negotiations over the past few months, political sources told G4Media. According to the sources cited, the Polul de Dreapta will participate in the 2024 elections as an electoral alliance.
The three parties position themselves as the right-wing alternative to the PSD-PNL government.
On Monday, December 18, at the Parliament, the three parties will have a joint launch event and a press conference held by the three party presidents.
An electoral alliance means that the three parties will go to the elections with joint candidate lists and a common candidate for the presidential elections.
It is possible that in the future, other smaller political formations may join the right-wing pole at the local or regional level, according to G4Media information.
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