klaus iohannis in parlamentul european

SOURCES: President Iohannis, invited to give a speech in the plenary of the European Parliament in February

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President Klaus Iohannis is expected to deliver a speech in the plenary of the European Parliament at the beginning of February, following an invitation from...  

EXCLUSIVE POLL Massive vote for Romania to stay in the European Union / Only 13% of Romanians say they would vote to leave the EU if a referendum were held next Sunday

EXCLUSIVE POLL Massive vote for Romania to stay in the European Union / Only 13% of Romanians say they would vote to leave the EU if a referendum were held next Sunday

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70% of Romanians would vote for Romania to remain in the European Union if a referendum were held next Sunday,…

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Alarming news about the Military Democracy in Romania of which you hardly hear anything about on TV

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Some recent reports point to the accelerated degradation of the rule of law in Romania and the transformation of the country from a weak democracy,...  

Șeful Statului Major al Apărării: Eficientizarea comunicării strategice cu țările europene pe tema evoluției pandemiei va conduce la contracararea campaniilor de dezinformare duse pe teritoriile statelor membre ale NATO

Șeful Statului Major al Apărării: Eficientizarea comunicării strategice cu țările europene pe tema evoluției pandemiei va conduce la contracararea campaniilor de dezinformare duse pe teritoriile statelor membre ale NATO

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