marinel burduja
The Future President of Romania
„I will be the future president of Romania.” This is what Sebastian Burduja (a young Romanian politician) has been telling his classmates in the US...
Viitorul președinte al României
Voi fi eu, Sebastian Burduja. Asta le spunea încă de acum 15 ani tuturor colegilor de studii din America. Unii rămâneau cu sprânceana ridicată. Vedeau...
While Romanian Communications Minister (PNL) Burduja (Jr.) was arguing for the “freedom in the West vs. the Russian chains” from the floor of Parliament, his Father, Burduja (Sr.) held the Directorship of ALRO SA, an aluminium producer controlled by a Russian oligarch.” How Marinel Burduja became director of ALRO SA, the largest producer of aluminum in Romania