The First rift between PSD and PNL: Ciolacu refuses to appoint liberal Mircea Abrudean as Secretary General of the Government and asked Ciucă to deliver another candidate / PNL leadership meets Monday morning
Strongly supported by Emil Boc, the liberal Mircea Abrudean from Cluj was nominated for the position of Secretary General of the government, after the Ciolacu Cabinet was sworn in, but the social democrats oppose his appointment. Marcel Ciolacu has already told Nicolae Ciucă to deliver another man for the General Secretariat, saying he is not compatible with Abrudean, sources in the ruling coalition told G4Media.
Contacted by G4Media, Mircea Abrudean said that it is primarily a matter of PNL interests, and that as long as no one else has been appointed to the position he was promised, there is still a chance that the post will go to him. „After all, it’s not about me as a person, it’s about the party. So the party has to manage this issue,” Abrudean said.
The PSD’s request created tension in the PNL, with several leaders asking Nicolae Ciucă not to give in to pressure. A meeting of the PNL’s restricted leadership has been called for Monday.
In the Chancellery of Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă, Cluj’s Mircea Abrudean has distinguished himself mainly by maintaining good cooperation with mayors, while being the man who smoothed Ciucă’s accommodation at the head of the PNL. When he was prefect of Cluj, Abrudean allied himself with Mayor Emil Boc, benefiting from his categorical support in obtaining positions in the government apparatus.
Abrudean’s claims to the post of Secretary General of the Government were also based on the fact that the Cluj liberals never received (nor asked for) another top position in the PSD-PNL government after the rotation, despite the electoral results they can boast of in Cluj.
According to G4Media sources, Abrudean has already expressed his displeasure to the party for not getting his desired post in the current government. It should be noted that he has always enjoyed the support of PNL first vice-president Gheorghe Flutur.
The PNL leadership is meeting on Monday morning to handle the first problems that have arisen in the relationship with the PSD after the Ciolacu government was sworn in, G4Media sources report.
The Liberals confirmed to G4Media that they are having problems with Ciolacu’s people and that they do not have a clear answer about the fact that Abrudean has not yet been appointed to office. The Liberals also blame Ciolacu for the adoption of the ordinance that gives Deputy Prime Minister Marian Neacșu increased powers in the Government Secretariat, including the Ministry of Finance.
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