The Government will take responsibility in Parliament for the tax reform package / Ciolacu: „I would like to take a little from us, those with working power, and from those who make a lot of money to give to retirees who have worked a lifetime and to those in need”
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday that he will take responsibility in Parliament for the administrative reform package and fiscal measures.
„I’d like to take a little from those of us with the power to work and from those who make very little money to give to retirees who have worked a lifetime and to those in need. This is the right way for a state to behave towards its citizens,” the Prime Minister argued.
Ciolacu said he was „putting his mandate on the table” in front of Parliament, so that Romanians could see who wants reform and who is fighting for privileges.
- The assumption of responsibility of the Government in Parliament means that the austerity laws will be adopted without any debate and without any change to the form proposed by the Ciolacu Cabinet. The Prime Minister assumes them in front of the Legislature, and MPs who oppose the measures have 3 days to table a motion of censure. If the motion is passed, the Government falls, and if it is rejected the Cabinet moves forward and the laws are considered adopted. But a motion of censure requires the votes of half plus one of the number of MPs to pass, and the PSD and PNL have a majority.
Marcel Ciolacu:
This government is Romania’s government and in this logic we will put Romania first. We need a decent and fair Romania for all. For that we must stop the budget debacle. We must create a fair tax system and really fight against tax evasion.
Marcel Ciolacu:
As far as I was concerned, I couldn’t go on like this. Billions of euros end up in the pockets of crooks or are squandered on institutions that are trampling themselves underfoot instead of being used for roads, hospitals, schools.
We need deep reforms. We have seen rantings, attacks from hypocrites who have forgotten what obligations they put their hand to in the NPRR and now come and criticise them.
I won’t give an inch, regardless of the pressures of those in the system.
I will go all the way with the government team to cut waste and make everyone pay their fair share in this country.
It can no longer be one rule for the rich and privileged companies and another for ordinary working people.
I’d like to take a little from us working stiffs and those who make a lot of money to give to retirees who have worked a lifetime and those in need. This is the right way for a state to behave towards its citizens.
I am announcing that I will take responsibility in Parliament for the legislative package.
I will put my mandate on the table in Parliament for reforms and social justice. We must separate the waters and Romanians must see who really wants to make reforms and who opposes and fights for privileges and the protection of great wealth.
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