EXCLUSIVE The Romanian extension of Ukrainegate, the scandal for which the Democrats want to impeach Trump. The connections between Hunter Biden, the son of the former US Vice President, with the fugitive Puiu Popoviciu
The son of former United States Vice President, Hunter Biden, had also had business interests in Romania, not only in Ukraine, where his involvement with an energy company is at the root of the scandal between President Trump and the Democrats. Sources close to Romanian businessman Puiu Popoviciu told G4Media.ro that Hunter Biden was engaged in real estate businesses in Bucharest, and it is said that he tried lobbying for Popoviciu even before the former was convicted in 2017.
It is not clear what his actions in Bucharest were, if any. But some sources allege that the businessman Puiu Popoviciu was relying on the international lobbying services that Biden’s son could provide, not only before but also after he fled the country.
At the end of May, Fox News, A republican stronghold, and until recently Donald Trump’s favorite news station, revealed that Hunter Biden worked in the past with the Romanian businessman Puiu Popoviciu, as an advisor.

In August 2017, the businessman was sentenced by the High Court to seven years of imprisonment in the case of the real-estate development project Banesa.
The day after the conviction, several sources close to the investigation told HotNews.ro that Popoviciu and other Romanian businessmen with legal problems were trying to convince congressmen and people in high places in the American establishment that they are victims of abuse.
One of these influential persons was Robert Hunter Biden, the son of former US Vice President Joe Biden, whom Popoviciu became friends with, and it is said he was relying on him to support his cause, even to the US Congress.
Popoviciu fled to London to avoid the execution of his sentence, but he was soon arrested and is now in custody fighting in court the extradition. Popoviciu hired former FBI chief Louis Freeh as his lawyer.
President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said in the late May of 2019 that Hunter Biden’s collaboration with Gabriel Popoviciu was „a case that needs to be investigated. If it’s not investigated, then we do not have an equal justice system in this country (United States – no.).”
But before making all these anti-Popoviciu statements, Giuliani played along with the lobbyists against the Romanian Justice System. In August 2018, Trump’s lawyer sent a letter to President Iohannis, against Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), alleging abuse. He later admitted that the letter was based on a report by former FBI chief Luis Freeh.
Traducerea: Ovidiu Harfas
Read the full story here, romanian version
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